View Full Version : Cary please help me .....

03-28-2004, 10:34 PM
these were the babies last week

03-28-2004, 10:35 PM
and today. now i ask....out of these fish :

blue heaven
scribbled red turq
asian red turq
blue cobalt
pure snowflake
yellow white
scorpian snake
red doll

which one is this:

03-28-2004, 10:36 PM
and these are the three blues, blue heaven, blue cobalt, and scibbled turq?

which is which

03-28-2004, 10:40 PM
i know i talked to you for like 10 min trying to figure this out last week but without pictures, it's impossible. when i described the first question mark to you, you said it was the yellow white, but it doesn't look yellow to me.

i am also very confused asto which the scribbled turq is. the only possibility i have left is the one in the middle of the second pic...but...it has no markings and appears almost whitish blue. so confused...
hope you can help cary! thanks!
kimberly :-* :-*

03-28-2004, 11:27 PM
Hi Kimberly,

Nice to see you back. The question mark in the first picture is a red/white. I know that is not one of the choices but maybe Cary gave you that as an extra.


03-28-2004, 11:52 PM
yeah i was kinda thinking that. maybe instead of yellow white he meant red white....
the other three are still a mystery

03-29-2004, 02:27 AM
The middle fish in the second picture may be your yellow and white - it's white based anyway. I agree with anastasia, Picture one is a red and white

03-29-2004, 02:59 AM
still need cary tho, if that is a yellow white, which one is the scribble? i bet he can clear it up soon as he sees this

03-30-2004, 02:42 PM
thanks cary all figured out after the phone conversationg. looks like i had half the names wrong. the new fish are :

blue diamond
cobalt blue
RSG x snowflake
gold diamond x snowflake
scorpian snake
red doll
asian red turq

the "red white" is actually a RSG x snowflake. and the question marks are cobalt, gold diamond x snowflake, and blue diamond.

thanks guys for helping me figure it all out!
kimberly :-*