View Full Version : Orient ... can you please expand on ... ?

03-31-2004, 01:47 PM
Your LSS that you posted pix of (http://forum.simplydiscus.com//index.php?board=11;action=display;threadid=17655) are absolutely gorgeous! (Krikey ... ;) )

can you give us an idea of what it takes to get fish like that? ... specifically:
% of any batch that look that good number of batches you have to raise to get world-class fish techniques used to raise them ... w/c's, feeding, water parameters, tank size, population in a tank

And is it true you'll be giving away pairs to the person that "kisses up" (exaggerated praises to our non-US friends) to you the most? ;) ;) ;)


04-01-2004, 02:20 AM
Hi there Jeff...

Breeding LSS is kinda hard to document. Like what Forrest Gump said.. Life is like a box of chocolates.. Sometimes we get good spawn sometimes we dont. What we have is abundant tank space and breeding pairs.

The % of batch ranges from 20% to 50% will give good LSS. Again I gotta stress that this figure will change from time to time. U can have a good pair that yields 50% good LSS for now and it can skip 2 batches before yielding 50% again.

There is no secret techique in raising good discus. Basically I change water 3 times daily.. 50% morning, 50% afternoon and 100% at nite using aged water. Feeding is done constantly, no less than 10 times daily. I feed on demand..and they do demand food all the time.. :P

Im using standard 50 gallons tank for my farm. (3ft length x 2ft width x 1.8ft height). I do find that discus are most happy with a deeper tank. This is from personal experience.

I do stock up my tanks rather heavily. For 2" bout 50, 3" bout 25-30 and 4" - 10-15.

Hope that this answers yor questions well...

p/s where did u hear that rumor... :P :P

04-01-2004, 02:24 PM
Thanks for that helpful info. A couple more questions from someone who has some of your beautiful fish:
1). You said you feed 10 times per day. What is it you feed? And how many times of each? And to what size do you feed 10 times per day? Until adult, or do you feed less the older they get?

2). Besides the best filter of water changes ;) do you use any sort of filtration? Just an airstone? Sponges? Central Filtration? Or just the three water changes per day? Do you time the waterchanges after feedings to clean the gut of the discus, or just when you get around to it?
Lance Krueger

04-01-2004, 02:46 PM
And is it true you'll be giving away pairs to the person that "kisses up" (exaggerated praises to our non-US friends) to you the most? ;) ;) ;)

Well, had to give it a try ...

04-01-2004, 02:59 PM
Good topic guys thanks! ;D

04-01-2004, 10:28 PM
Thanks for that helpful info. A couple more questions from someone who has some of your beautiful fish:
1). You said you feed 10 times per day. What is it you feed? And how many times of each? And to what size do you feed 10 times per day? Until adult, or do you feed less the older they get?

2). Besides the best filter of water changes ;) do you use any sort of filtration? Just an airstone? Sponges? Central Filtration? Or just the three water changes per day? Do you time the waterchanges after feedings to clean the gut of the discus, or just when you get around to it?
Lance Krueger

Hi Lance..

Well.. I have a full time worker who is assigned to do only water change and feeding. I do suspect that he feeds more than 10 times a day, I keep running out of BH mix. He feeds a little everytime and as frequent as possible. Instructions are plain and simple, I dont wanna see hungry fish and no leftovers in the tank. This regime only applies to fish up till 4". As for my breeders, I feed only twice a day.

As for my BH mix, I am using BH, Shrimp, Vitamins and Spirullinas.

For my operation, no filtration system. Just airstone with frequent w/c. The waterchanges are done in the morning 8-9am, 2-3 in the afternoon and 6-7 at nite. No more feeding after my last w/c.


04-01-2004, 11:19 PM
Since my water storage capacity is limited, I was thinking of using a drip system. Would this be the next best thing to the 3 daily water changes?

04-01-2004, 11:29 PM
Since my water storage capacity is limited, I was thinking of using a drip system. Would this be the next best thing to the 3 daily water changes?

Hi there..

My water change regime wont fit for an average hobbyist. Just go with a good sponge filter and w/c 100% a day will be just fine.

04-02-2004, 12:44 AM
That why I asked if the drip was the next best thing. I don't think I can fit someone to do my w/c into the budget! ;D

although there is this kid down the street that always wants to cut the grass! *lol*

04-02-2004, 10:22 AM
Drips are only good for a week!

Go to wet/Dry Filter and w/c daily ;)

04-02-2004, 10:37 AM
Thanks Cary. If the man himself recommends wet/dry then wet/dry it shall be!!:thumbsup: