View Full Version : Pigeon blood?

04-08-2004, 01:04 AM
this was one of the "runts" i got for free from HenryD
I dont know the exact size, I guess i'd have to pull one out of the tank since they seem like nearly the same exact size (3.5"-4"?) anywho, they arent full PB as they have pepper-bars (I kinda like em, it looks good) but otherwise I dont think the peppering is bad, my real question is, when I got them their bellies were orange, they werent eating but now they eat lots.. and lots.. and lots.. Tetra bits & grindal worms at a daily treat at least 4-5x day with 50-75% daily water changes (hoping that maybe they'll still grow - wishful thinking?)
Anyways, there bellies have started to recently lighten & turn white, is this more (i dont know what to call it?) pearling or striping developing? Maybe soemthing else causing it? They are doing 50x better now than when they werent eating, they battle all day with eachother, nothing very aggresive, but they constantly argue.

this pic is from about a week or so ago

04-08-2004, 01:08 AM
this one is of the other one(taken today), but wanted to show that the whiteness is spreading on both of them

04-08-2004, 01:29 AM
IF the fish are about 10 - 12 months old it is just the pattern coming out. They may grow a bit more - certainly wider ;D

04-08-2004, 01:39 AM
Carol, thanks! ;D
Lets hope they're 10-12months old then, I think they are as when I picked them up Henry had said he started getting most of his discus about a year ago (?) my memory is shot though already lol
Wider they are getting! Im glad they started eating again, and now they wont stop. I have another larger discus I got from Henry also(this one wasnt free though lol), Im usure of what it is, and I dont think he told me (and if he did, I forgot... oops) It has peppering, but not in bars, and the 'striations'(?) are blue - attatching a pic this one is w/ flash so he got red... er blue eye.... strange
I just noticed all my spelling errors in the last post (probably in this one too) having an awful migraine headache right now, probably time for bed..
thanks so so much again

04-08-2004, 12:48 PM
This one is also a pigeonblood. Anytime you see pepper on a discus you can be sure there is pigeonblood in the background ;D

04-09-2004, 12:07 AM
yeah thats what I thought, was just unsure since the facial markings were different. Thank you very much again Carol :)