View Full Version : when/if I should seperate?

04-12-2004, 02:45 AM
So my new discus seem to be growth spurting, but one is left behind, I believe she is growing, but she is about 1" smaller than the largest one (she is precisely 1.25" from nose to base of tail, measured from outside the tank), 2 are over 2" I think, and the others arent far behind. I havent had them that long, and I imagine she could growth spurt on me also and catch up to them easily I hope. About what size difference if this pattern continues should I possibily seperate her, Im under the impression it would be better to keep them together to a point as the schooling makes them feel more secure. She eats fine[tetra bits mostly, grindal worms throughout the day as a treat, they LOVE em], full belly, not bullied any more than the others *so far, she can certainly hold her own & then some* they all get 50 or 75% daily w/c's


04-12-2004, 11:00 AM

It seems to happen to me too when I grow out fish. One always seem to be left behind. It could be a number of different things and it has all been discussed in lengths on this board and others. Some of the contributing factors could be...

bullying, genetics, sex differences, Hormones (meaning one secrete hormones to decrease the growth of others), etc..

It sounds like you might have a group of 6 discus. If that was the case I would just leave it. Might try to personal make sure the smaller guy get its fair share of food.

Now if you have a group of 20 or 30 then I would seperate it in 2 or 3 taks. Putting the same size guys together.


04-12-2004, 03:53 PM
Henry, yeah only 6, i've been trying to make sure the food goes in her general direction, so hopefully she wont lag behind to bad