View Full Version : Stupid Copods!(need help)

04-14-2004, 08:21 PM
I have 2 135gal tanks with wet/dry systems a large sponge and copods :smash: in each. Problem is no matter what I do I can't seem to get rid of the copods. I dosed them once with Fluke Tabs and now they seemed to have multiplied 5 fold. I'm doing the second dose as I type. Any suggestions? Any one have a better way other than Fluke Tabs? I have already cut back on feeding. HELP!


04-14-2004, 08:39 PM
Hi Tony:

Break out the bottle of 100% natural Tea Tree Oil (antiseptic). Wipe down the interior walls with it on a paper towel or use an biosponge on a stick. If using a mop, be sure to soak that mop first in dirty tank water. The cellophane is not ideal for aquatic but I find if you first soak it in tank water you can use it.

Then clean out your filters at once. Use a little bleach. It won't hurt. Just wash it off completely and let dry (air dry). Then reinstall.

Put also a few drops of TTO in the refill of tank water.

Good luck.


04-14-2004, 08:48 PM
Are you talking about copepods like these?:


I think bleach is a bit drastic - JMO.

04-14-2004, 09:12 PM
Copepods are tough. A bit of bleach and drying out may not kill them, but it will certainly kill your filters which will need to be recycled.

Fluke tabs in all the tanks every third day for 3 doses will knock them back. Clean filters, clean water and careful feeding will keep numbers down too.

04-14-2004, 09:26 PM
Hi Angie,
Thanks for the tip on the Tea Tree Oil. The sponges were cleaned and the tank walls all get wiped down and a 70% w/c but I have to agree with Walter bleach is a little excessive. From what I understand about copods they are pretty much harmless just more of a nuisance.

The copods in my tank are a different strain than the ones in the link. I also have them in a breeder tank with eggs. Brew gave me a tip for running the breeder sponge in a 5 gal bucket with a formalin mix for about 20 minutes but I haven't been able to do that yet. I think I'm going to leave the sponges out of the large tanks(one less place for them to hide) and retreat with fluke tabs unless someone give me a better idea.

I hate to do it but it but it seems I will have to treat them a couple more times. I guess I may have to battle them a little longer than I thought.

Anyway thanks all.

04-15-2004, 12:28 AM
tony, i would try large wc's and skip the beefheart until you get it under control, feed cbw to help keep the water clean.