View Full Version : Discus treatment in planted tanks

04-28-2004, 09:55 AM
What are some safe methods for treating sick discus in planted tanks? Should they be removed to a quarantine tank no matter what? Are there safe treatments for flukes, hex...any common discus ailments in planted community tanks?


António Vitor
04-28-2004, 10:42 AM
I usually don't medicate!
and if I need to...I remove the fish from the planted aquarium...

I think Flagyl (don't remember the active ingredient), is safe with plants...but usually have lots of sugar on the pill...so...

Fish in planted aquarium usually don't get sick...
I have 2 discus going to the third year of existence here, and they do not get hill.

Only flukes...from time to time...what I do to prevent flukes?
nothing...discus gain easily natural resistence...
I increase the water changes when there is some episode (flukes), and if I need, I put the problematic discus, in a recipient with a high level of salinity (even higher than the ocean), sometimes 30 seconds are enough (remove the fish before the point of no return)
After 1 day the fish have no problems at all..

I do not like using any medication...
Maybe it's just me!

António Vitor

04-28-2004, 10:43 AM
Medicated Food won't affect your plants.

04-28-2004, 02:53 PM
what if they are not eating? I had four discus not eating, one died yesterday :-( and the other three just wont eat. They didnt turn black like the one that died, but they arent eating like they were a couple days ago. Ive read everything I can find and I dont know what might be the problem. I havent noticed any white feces. Sometimes they seem to be breathing heavy.

04-28-2004, 03:03 PM
Hi Sir blackhole,

Are you pumping any CO2 in your tank? or adding any MACRO elements to your planted tank? If you are you might want to watch your levels on those, they will harm your fish in a hurry. I made this mistake and one of my eldest discus became very dark and didnt eat. How is your water circulation?

04-28-2004, 03:06 PM
Also increasing your temps in order to activate Metro will harm your plants ;) , I also learned that the hard way. If you use Prazi I dont think it will harm plants but I wouldn't risk it.


04-28-2004, 03:14 PM
Yes I have been dosing macros. I think I will do a 50% water change today and not dose any macros.

Would adding salt help? Would the plants and loaches and cory cats be okay with 1tsp of salt per gallon in my 75 gallon tank?

04-28-2004, 05:30 PM
How long will it take discus to recover if it was high nitrates that was the problem?

04-28-2004, 07:43 PM

Did you have high nitrates? :)

They should recover fairly quickly. Another 50% WC wouldn't be out of order either.

To answer your first question, yes, you'd be in better shape if you used a quarantine tank for treatments. Not only will that not hurt the plants, you will have a potentially smaller volume to treat and will save $$$


04-28-2004, 10:19 PM
Hey Phil! They all three perked up after the water change. One of them ate some bloodworms this evening too. I will do another 50% change tomorrow afternoon and hopefully by then they will all feel like eating again. My original pigeon blood has died too :-( Is three a decent number for discus? I have two about 4 maybe 5 inches across and one smaller, maybe 2.5 inches. The nitrates didnt seem high to me, but I had only been dosing half my usual KNO3 dosage untill Sunday when I just wasnt thinking and put my normal 3/4 tsp KNO3. Do you dose KNO3 in your discus tanks?

04-28-2004, 11:47 PM
IMO three discus especially at that size do best in numbers of 6-7. I originally started with three and dealt with Hex problems, and continous bullying. I bought me four more and are now growing and behaving like champs.

04-29-2004, 01:14 AM
Metronidazole is okay in a planted tank (been there done that). So are Clout and "Quick cure" (the formalin/ malachite green medicine).

Prazi is supposed to be safe for plants - haven't tried that yet.

I've been told "Fluke Tabs" won't kill off plants either, but haven't tried that.

Nitrofurazone and copper based medicines can wipe out plants totally and quickly. Bye bye vallisneria!!!



04-29-2004, 08:52 AM
Wahter: What dosage of metro did you use in your planted?

Sir: What is your nitrate reading?

04-29-2004, 09:52 AM
I think it was about 10ppm...I cant recall what exactly my kit measures it in. Doesnt seem high to me and all the other fish were fine, but I guess it was a little much for discus? They sure seem to be feeling better now that I did a water change. I dose my tank with 15mL flourish twice a week, 2mL fleet enema twice a week, and normally 3/4tsp KNO3 twice a week. I think I will cut way back on the KNO3. Anyone have some suggestions on KNO3 dosing for discus tanks? What is a safe ammount to shoot for?

What is metronidazole? What would be a safe fluke medication for planted community tanks?

04-29-2004, 10:40 PM
What dosage of metro did you use in your planted?

500mg capsules per 10 gallons of water, every other day for 2 weeks (water changes done before the next dosing).

normally 3/4tsp KNO3 twice a week. I think I will cut way back on the KNO3. Anyone have some suggestions on KNO3 dosing for discus tanks? What is a safe ammount to shoot for?

Are you using that for potassium? that can put in a lot of nitrates. I've tried Seachem's potassium liquid and it works well.

What is metronidazole? What would be a safe fluke medication for planted community tanks?

Metronidazole is usually used to treat internal flagellates like hexamita.

As mentioned earlier, "Fluke tabs" is supposed to be okay on plants, but it's hard on discus. Praziquantel is supposed to be okay on plants and it's easy on discus.

You might want to check the disease/ sickness and medicine section:

Lots of sources for metronidazole such as thatpetplace:

http://www.thatpetplace.com/Products/KW/F62/Class/Fish+Supplies+Medications/T1/F62+0001+0066/Itemdy00.aspx 100 capsules

http://www.thatpetplace.com/Products/KW/F62/Class/Fish+Supplies+Medications/T1/F62+0001+0054/Itemdy00.aspx 10 capsules

Praziquantel is available in a few places:

Barry Illman:

Or you can try the product for ponds:

Finally don't forget to check the simplydiscus library:

or use the SEARCH button near the top of the page. ;)

Hope this helps!


04-29-2004, 11:59 PM
Thanks! Ive been trying to read about everything I can on this forum.....theres just so much information! Its great!