View Full Version : Albino Angel pair cross w/fry

04-28-2004, 10:14 PM
This was a single Male Albino I had so I place him with a female Gold Pearlscale female. If you look on my sponge filter the elbow of the pipe is full of wigglers. It's that dirty looking spot that are the fry. They just moved them there today off their spawning cone. This will be their 3rd try at it. Last week the male didn't do his part of the process and the eggs were not fertile.
This is a better shot of the female. The Gold Pearlscales I got from Christina at Hevenly Angelfish about 2 years ago.

Later in the week I will post some pictures of my other Albino fry that are about 7 day's old. Those other tanks next to this pair all contain Albino Angel pairs except 1 it houses Gold Pearlscale Superveil Angels

04-30-2004, 01:04 AM
Wow -- pretty pair George!
Those fry should be great!
