View Full Version : Heater Infactuation

04-28-2004, 11:12 PM
Hi all,

Just thought I'd share a rather amusing, although sad (for me) story about a spawning pair of mine. Guess it could be subtitled how to lose a mate to a shiny piece of metal.

I have a pair that have spawned like clockwork for the past several months - never got any fry yet cause they were in a community tank, but finally got them into a 90 gal they share only with another pair. No problems with territory, each pair essentially sticks to "their side" of the tank and the one pair has quickly adapted and gotten back to their old romantic ways.

The other pair though, a Red Turq female and a Red Snakeskin male have been experiencing allot of frustration lately, mainly the poor male. He dutifully cleans off a piece of petrified wood for the spawn, but he just can't seem to draw the female away from the heater.

I installed a 500 watt titanium heater in the new tank, and each time it heats it creates bubbles all over it, and damn (can I say that word here?) if they don't look just like Discus eggs! She's obviously convinced they are cause she tends over them just like they were her own. Won't pay any attention to the male.

She's even spawned a couple times now on the heater, but, obviously it doesn't turn out too well :(

Moving the thing out next weekend and putting in my old ebo - she never paid any attention to that one.

Humerous to observe, but wish she'd get back to business (the poor old snake does too I suspect).

bye for now