View Full Version : Genetics

04-30-2004, 11:40 AM
I'm not sure that this post is in the right section, if not, my apologies. But here goes, I am wanting to learn more about the gentics of the Discus and I'm not sure where to find this information. I am also interested in the pattern classifications, etc. I am a newbie and I would really like not to make expensive mistakes when I purchase fish that I would like to possibly cross in the future. I am also interested in asking Carol about the photo that she has posted to her message board, what color phase is that? It is beautiful!!
Thanks ever so much,

04-30-2004, 11:54 AM
He is a pigeonblood with very littler pepper (black specks like freckles). Here is an adult picture of him. Not a lot is know about discus genetics.

Go here to look at names of discus colors http://tropical-fish.net/Cichlids/Discus_Strains.htm

04-30-2004, 03:12 PM
Oh, he's a real looker!! I can only hope to get a few like him. Where did you get your stock from, it seems very hard to find em without peppering on them. It is one of the reasons I have been waiting, I want my fish to look just a certain way. I figure it costs just as much to feed a bad one as it does a good one. So, I'm waiting till I find the right person to purchase from.
Thanks again,

04-30-2004, 06:09 PM
This guy is several years old and from Ray Kosaka (Discus Hawaii) who is out of the business now.

There are many of the newer pigeon/golden crosses with little pepper. Check with some of the folks who have banners on this site. Jeff and Cary can both get nice goldens for you.

05-04-2004, 02:09 AM
I love Carol's discus above as well ;D
What you need to do is figure out exactly what you want then do as Carol said and contact the sellers. Tell them what your looking for and then ask if they haave that discus with very very little peppering. I purchased 6 flower pigeons from US Discus. He sent me 4 with very little peppering and 2 with peppering. He also sent me 3 extra marlboros - 2 with very little and one with peppering. I kinda still got great discus even with the peppering because those with lots only have it between the eyes and nose area. You can see pics of my discus under the thread "breeding in a 55 gallon tank" The flower discus with very very little peppering is on page 7 and the one with lots is on page 10 as is the red marlboro. My adult pair is also on page 7. I have the same problem Carol has with the one above - the male won't fertilize the eggs as of right now :(
Like I said, tell them what your looking for and you will find someone who has it or can get them for you. Let us know what you decide on getting. We like pics! :D