View Full Version : My discus spawned!! Help

05-01-2004, 12:45 AM
I have four discus in a planted 55 gallon tank, and two paired off and spawned today. This is my first time with discus and I wasn’t planning on breeding. Nevertheless, I might as well try with the opportunity. I have a couple of questions.

1)   Are my water parameters suitable for fertilization/hatching?

RO water with Kent “RO right” and baking soda added to a GH of ~1-2 dH and KH ~4-5. My pH is ~7.5. I use DIY CO2 injection with yeast bottles.

Obviously I will find out in a few days.

2)   It is a community tank with cardinal tetras, rummy nose tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, a Bolvian Ram and a few other fish (plus the two other discus). Are the other non-discus fish a threat to the fry or can the discus defend them sufficiently (they do avoid going near the discus in general)? As for the other discus, the larger two paired off and are an inch or two bigger than the other two. I don’t currently have another tank to move the babies. Is this at all feasible to start out in the community tank (my goal is probably only to have a few survive). Could I move them after 2-3 weeks?

3) A red turquoise paired with a blue diamond. Do you consider this a no-no to allow the mix breeds to survive considering I am not a professional trying to create a new strain?

05-01-2004, 01:27 AM
Hi Larry:
Congratulations on your spawn ;D
1. Fertilized eggs will hatch easily in your water.
2. Babies probably will not survive in a community tank. It's OK for your pair to practice. Set up a bare bottom 29 gallon to successfully raise fry.
3. It's OK for you to mix blue diamond and red turks.

05-01-2004, 03:04 PM
Thanks Carol,

While they practice, I will practice convincing my wife for another tank in the house.

Anyway, the eggs are turning opaque white today (about 1/4 to 1/3rd), which I assume is not good (picture below)? I have read other threads that say they darken after ~24 hours. Do they stay translucent when they darken?

Also, is there any easy way to tell the male from female at this point?

05-01-2004, 08:56 PM
White eggs are dead eggs. Only way to be sure which is female is to see breeding tubes or watch who lays the eggs.

05-12-2004, 10:21 PM

No eggs appeared to be fertilized from the first batch and they eventually ate them after ~36-48 hours.

They just laid more eggs today (10 days later). One fish has an obvious projection that I assume is the breeding tube of the female (roundish 3-4 mm projection). The "male" has a smaller visible projection. Can you typically see the male sex organ? I am just concerned I have two females pairing off. Also, they laid eggs on two separate leaves this time (Amazon sword). Is that possible behavior or is it more likely two fish laid eggs?

Lastly, would you proceed with scheduled water changes at this point or wait until the eggs appear fertilized?


05-12-2004, 11:58 PM
Male's organ is smaller, pointed and not as visible. Females may lay eggs all over the place when young. It doesn't hurt to forego water changes for 48 hours while you wait to see if eggs are fertilized. Make sure tank is really clean the rest of the time.