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View Full Version : Madagascar Lace

05-07-2004, 03:41 AM
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to know if anyone had experiance with this plant. I am in love with this plant but haven't added it to my collection because I have heard that it is very hard to raise and keep in good shape.

05-07-2004, 09:05 AM
I've had it do well and I've had it die quickly. In general I wouldn't put it in a discus tank because they do appreciate cooler water and I wouldn't want to risk such an expensive plant.

If you've got it in there already, just push the bulb in deep enough to keep it in where you want it. Don't bury it. Putting a fertilizer tab near the bulb, but not underneath it, will help it along as well. Close contact with fertilizer tabs tends to burn roots and bulbs.


05-07-2004, 10:11 PM
I've had it. Really reserved for tanks in the 72degF and lower range. Looked good for a while, lost it's foliage, I got rid of it.

Ive been told that once it melts and losses it's foliage, remove the bulb, dry it, place it in a ziplock bag an stored it in the fridge. It needs a dormancy phase? After a few weeks, return it to the tank and it will regrow. Truth be told, allot of trouble as the uprooting and replanting disturbs the substrate. Never tried it.

05-09-2004, 06:14 PM
Another thing about this plant is that you need to put it in a tank without any algae, the algae will cause die off of the leaves. The dry out method works, I had cut mine back when algae started killing the leaves. Then I put it in the discus tank and it started to grow nicely but I think the higher temp. was too much and it ended up dying. I had origionally had it in the Green terror tank which has a lower temp. and it did well until I got an outbreak of brush algae.