View Full Version : Blue High Fin pics (wanted)

05-11-2004, 10:54 PM
Im starting my first Discus tank and im wondering what to get. Im pretty interested in Those blue high-fin discus. Does anyone have any pictures of adults? also does anyone have any suggestions as to what are good looking discus for a fairly inexpensive price? thanks a lot for all of your help.


05-12-2004, 08:58 AM
Hallo Michael,

I got a mixed group of 8 juveniles a few months ago for my first discus tank.

I think some of the prettiest of the group are also the cheapest. My Red and Blue Turquoises are some of my favourites - stunning fish, and about as cheap as discus come. Same goes for my S/S.. took him a while to colour up, but now he's purdy as heck ;-)

Definitely find a good source for your fish. Do some research here about breeders in your area, and check out some of the fine breeders who will send discus to your door.


05-12-2004, 05:39 PM
I agree with John, the cheapest discus are some of the prettiest imo. Nothing beats a good blue turk or red turk or even a brown can be a stunning discus as long as the shape is right and they are healthy.

05-13-2004, 12:58 PM

Take a look at GLD Hi Body Hi Fin Blue Diamonds

05-13-2004, 06:36 PM
Great Lakes Discus - Angel Blue Diamond. Please excuse poor quality pic, but I think you get the idea. These are not quite adults yet.

05-13-2004, 06:38 PM

05-13-2004, 06:42 PM
These two fish are from the same batch, but the color looks different because of photo techniques. The top photo is probably more representative of the color.


05-14-2004, 10:04 AM
Here's an Angel Bl Diamond I purchased from Cary a month ago ;D

05-15-2004, 03:02 PM
Hey Karen,

Nice picture... I was beginning to think that you were too busy to post pics of your discus... long time since we got an update on those fishies!!!

Well, here are mine... one BD and one golden from JEFF. The BD is over 7" in. and the Golden is around 4".

My best picture so far... taken without a flash!


PS: Karen, what's your dog's name... I want one just like that... don't think my GF would be happy about it... I think one bloodhound is enough!!! :)

05-15-2004, 04:59 PM
Hi Bou,
WOW nice pucture~~what beauties you have ,that BD looks huge, hope mine grow up to be as pretty! Looks like you have done a great job with them!! Try to not use the auto settings on the came- play with the other settings - seems to work for my camera,
Bloodhounds are soooo cute - you should post a picture. They are one of my favorite breeds.
That wasn't such a great pic of Timber (short for Shivermee Timber) - he is in need of a good bath. He hates water and it's pretty hard to hold down a 110 pound or so Great Pyrenees . He's a super watch dog but very gentle ( they call them gentle giants)- very protective over us ( his flock) Pyrs are used to guard sheep against wolves, coyotes and bear. I'll have to post a picture of him groomed up. I have some Discus pics that I have to post from a week or two ago. I'm having water troubles now and the waters been cloudy and Discus don't like it - think it's the well water- went and picked up a house filter today to see if we can clear it up.
Again Great looking Discus!
Have a great weekend!