View Full Version : moving its parent and its babies ??

06-04-2004, 11:29 AM
i have one pair of discus.. they have spawn 5 days ago.. now they are free swimmer and attach to the mother now.. i intend to move them to their new home.. anybody can advise ?? will the babies die if they move to the new tank???

06-04-2004, 01:04 PM
There are a couple threads here that specifically deal with a timeline for fry, when to remove, etc. One in particular I remember was from Carol Roberts. A little looking will lead to a lot of info. In my limited experience, there would be no reason they would die if you moved them, but you maybe don't need to yet. I would think that the fry can stay with the parents after they attach for at least a week, and maybe two. As long as the parents are tending them, and you are doing water changes, they are fine where they are (assuming they are in at least a 20 gallon tank). Start some brine shrimp hatching and squirt some in there a couple times a day and they will start eating those and make the ultimate transition to a tank of their own easier. Congratulations on your spawn.

06-04-2004, 11:09 PM
I'd wait until the babies were ready to go out on their own - 14 to 21 days freeswimming.