View Full Version : adding vitamins to fry

06-06-2004, 09:18 PM
pardon my ignorance......{well if it wasn't for my ignorance, i wouldnt be a member of simply}.........
k question time:
when can\should I add liquid vitamins[ZOE] it food , I currently have some fry(angel......practice for discus) ...they are ONE MONTH & THREE DAYS free swimming, and are heve been eating flakes along with the BBS, I dropped 2 stick pellets (presoaked in water) in their tank , they completely devoured it.
Since they are willing to try new foods, I was wondering when can I start adding the ZOE to their food {soaking the stick pellets in the zoe}.

Thanks in advance

06-08-2004, 10:59 PM
what no reply....guess i stumped y'all with this question

07-11-2004, 06:46 PM
On the LFS advice I just bought some Zoe to try with my discus. What has been your experience with it? Is it worth it, it was very pricey?

07-12-2004, 12:34 AM

This topic missed me. :D

In my experience, I've began using liquid vitamins in my tank and have noticed a remarkable difference in finnage and lateral (spine) chords of the discus. I'm happy now since those fish I thought was runt is now growing at a faster rate (than without the liquid vitamins).

Also I have noticed that a lot of plant liquid sources do help fish a lot (by including small elements of minerals, calcium, etc. which is not given in the liquid vitamins I give them).


07-25-2004, 11:30 AM
I am wondering what brand of liquid vitamins and plant liquid did you use???

07-31-2004, 01:06 AM

I don't know for sure, but I used the VitaChem product. I hear that the baby vitamins (for newborns) like Polyvisol and Trivisol can be used as well since they are water soluble vitamins. It's a thought, though. ;)


07-31-2004, 01:29 AM
Blaze and FryGirl,
I use Polyvisol in my beefheart mix a few full squirts with the dropper applicator in about 5 lbs of beefheart. I have never fortified other types of fishfood. So in my case as long as the fish (dependent upon size) can eat the beefheart, shaved, ground, or whatever that would be the proper time for introduction.


07-31-2004, 04:23 AM
Way to go, Tad!!! ;)

I thought I was crazeeee when I did it (as a trial and error sort of thing). But I noticed within a few days, I see high fins on all my fishies. :D I'm a happy camper.


Barb Newell
07-31-2004, 11:23 AM
Hi, I squirt some Kent Zoe liquid vitamins into my beefheart mix, then add some tetrabits, flakes, bananas, spinach, baby peas, garlic and shrimp.
