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View Full Version : Agressive Discus

06-09-2004, 01:14 PM
So after a few months of reading this forum and researching these beauties, i've finally got a discuss tank set-up!

I have 5 discuss in a planted tank (36x18x15) with a shoal of cardinals and a previously very docile sail-fin pleco, he turned "nasty" and so he has been moved to a seperate tank (for my young son to look after).

A few weeks after he was moved one of the other discus has suddenly become a "bully" he isnt singling one particular discuss out, but is "attacking" all of the others, the net result is I have a great tank with 1 discuss swimming around and the others cowering in the plants...

Is there anything I can do to rectify this situation?

06-09-2004, 03:34 PM
just setting up a pecking order, wait a week or 2 and if the agression hasnt lessened then i suggest separating them.

06-09-2004, 05:25 PM
I was having that same problem when I first started, but the bully will stop. Just give it a bit of time. Mine still chase alot, but more around feeding time, they like to protect the area where the food was. : ;D