View Full Version : One airstone for storage tank enough?

06-12-2004, 06:20 AM
I have a 30 gallon container for aging water, and was just wondering if one airstone was enough to aerate all that water in 24 hours? To me, it seems like not enough. ???

06-12-2004, 10:41 AM
I run 2 stones in mine. Not sure if it makes a differance as I have not tested the results with one stone. My PH out of the tap is 8.6 or so and it takes 12 hours in the barrel with 2 air stones to drop to 7.0. My barrel is 42 gal but I dont fill it all the way ( maybe 30 gals of water )


06-12-2004, 10:57 AM
IMO more important is the size of the air pump!!! Weak Link theory, your set up is only as good as the smallest part, need good air/water contact. Amount of airstones or size of airstones (Jehmco.com has large air stones with threaded connections that I use) needs to be balanced with size of air pump, helps if pump is one for "deep" aquariums as chances are your aged water tank is deep.

06-12-2004, 11:58 AM
Hardness of water and depth of tank are both part of the equation. In my 55 gallon barrels and GH12 water an airstone might take days to raise the pH from 6.8 (tap) to 7.8 (tanks). A pond pump from Walmart with the return cascading into the tank like a water fall will raise my pH in three hours.

Buy a pH kit and test your tap and fish tank water. Test your stored water (while you are aerating it) every two hours to see how long it takes to raise (or lower) to tank pH level

06-13-2004, 11:02 PM
thanks for the replies! :) i'll try it out and see

06-14-2004, 06:16 PM
I only have one air stone in my 110gallon storage and I use one of those wisper pumps with two outlets that you get from wal-mart. My tap Ph comes out at 8.6 and it is stable after 24 hours with one stone at 7.8

06-15-2004, 06:27 AM
I has a 250 liters barrel. In the bottom is a don't know the name. Type of bottomfilter (no material). Then is the water transfered from the bottom to the top of the barrel with a pump. Air or Not i want all my water in a motion.


06-15-2004, 04:09 PM
Uhhuh804,your answeres are all in the posts above but I.d like to add that what you are trying to do is move the water to keep exchanging surface water with bottom of the barrel water.Using an airstone or a pump to move water both do the same thing.So its not how many airstones,it's how much water's being moved by them(or a pump). kaceyo

06-15-2004, 10:42 PM
It may seem that way but what counts is contacting the water with air bubbles. Even when Carol says she is pumping and letting the water cascade it is agitating the surface causing many air bubbles to go down into the drum. If you just had a pump moving the water around it will not be nearly as effective as bubbling air.

06-15-2004, 11:40 PM
Yes,I agree 100%.Agitating the water/air surface will drive out Co2 much quicker and is more efficient.I only ment for someone who is concerened with aging the water on a daily bases only,and isn't worried about doing it very quickly.I should have pointed that out.Thanks,Kaceyo