View Full Version : Well Water

Sindhu Lim
06-12-2004, 10:34 PM
Hi Folks & Carol,
I am moving to a house that uses well water and am comtemplating installing a water filter. Had checked out an Australian made "EcoPure", which states that it's also used for household drinking water. The filter media: Zeolite and sand. It also m,entioned in the brochure that you can add different media eg. activayed carbon, organic compound resin, clean water resin and nitrate selectable resin (for ponds) hmmmmm interesting.

My question is:
will the above filter work for Discus and for drinling water as well. The sales guy says that I will not need an RO unit as I wanted to install one for my drinking water.

Will Zeolite further reduce the pH???

The well water's parameters:
pH - 6
TDS - 70
GH - 3
KH - 1

Thanks in advance for any help given.


06-13-2004, 12:42 AM
That is very soft well water - should be fine for breeding discus - may have to watch that the pH doesn't crash. I don't know if zeolite affects pH.

Sindhu Lim
06-13-2004, 12:49 AM
Hi Carol,
thanks for the prompt reply and advice on pH crashes. Guess I have to test the water after the filter is installed. Cheaper to up pH and down.

I also have a Koi pond that's being built and the medis for pond sounds interesting too.

Thanks again


06-13-2004, 06:02 PM
Zeolite is an ion exchange resin.

Sindhu Lim
06-13-2004, 06:10 PM
Hi aggie_67,
thanks for the info. Could you please give a little more info on it and will it be good for my needs eg drinking water and for discus. Quite new to this "resin" stuff. I know about carbon but am a loss about"resin".

Thanks again.


06-14-2004, 06:49 PM
Need to retract my previous post. Zeolite was a tradename used for an ion exchange product, but on reading about Ecopure they may be using the mineral "zeolite" about which I know nothing.

06-14-2004, 08:29 PM
The mineral zeolite is used to control ammonia. It abosrbs ammonia in the water. I think you can use it in a discus tank.
