View Full Version : my fish is sick

06-14-2004, 04:15 PM
Everything has been going sooo well in my tanks, but today ive noticed one of my pearl pigeons isnt eating, and he is only breathing from one gill. What do i do? if its a medicine can i treat the whole tank (7 discus, no gravel or plants) please help me...i dont want to lose this fish.

06-14-2004, 05:24 PM
well...i wasnt just gonna sit around and let him die with out trying somthing. i just did a salt dip on him. now he is using both gills at least...i still dont know if he will make it or not.

06-14-2004, 05:44 PM
Have you added anything new to tank? First line of defense is always an extra water change and salt at 1 or 2 tablespoons per 10 gallons. If you may have introduce a parasite or suspect a bacterial gill infection, then formalin is a good choice. See "most common treatments" thread

06-14-2004, 09:49 PM
thats the thing that is confusing me, i havent added or changed this tank since feb. when i put these fish in. Everything has been great till now...i dont get it. the fish is doing better, hes breathing with both gills still. i really hope i can get him to again....this is sooo sad.

06-16-2004, 12:30 AM
im at a loss here, i dont kwno what to do. i have now salt dipped my fish 2 times, he is using both gills, and swimming a little more. But, he wont eat anything...what can i do to help him eat? i really dont want to lose this little guy.....any advice would be very helpful.

06-16-2004, 12:37 AM
Have you tried formalin?

06-16-2004, 12:40 AM
i was gonna pick some up today...but i forgot (and i work at a fish store)...i will get some tomorrow. thanks carol

06-16-2004, 12:29 PM
ok, im about to go pick up some formalin, ive noticed now more fish have gill flukes, should i salt dip them too? before adding formalin to the tank? also, ive treated the tank with salt, im gonna do a water change before adding the med, should i add more salt too?

06-16-2004, 07:07 PM
Are you sure your fish have flukes? Maybe it is a gill infection. Netting and dipping discus is very stressful for them. Add 1 cc or ml formalin plus 3 tablespoons salt per 10 gallons to the tank and wait 8 hours. Do a 50 % water change. Add back salt lost to water change. Observe fish. Are they better? If not better probably not flukes.

06-17-2004, 12:58 AM
i did the formalin, changed water after 8 hours, they do look a little more active....but if not gill flukes, then what do i treat with? when i look at the gills of the pbs i can see dots on them...but its only on the gills, and i can only see it cause their gills are tanslucent....im confused now.

06-17-2004, 11:27 AM
You can't see flukes with the naked eye. You need a microscope

06-17-2004, 12:10 PM
well..now this morning almost all of them are only breathing with one gill....i guess its not flukes...so now what?

06-17-2004, 05:46 PM
Try formalin every other day for a week if you see improvement with the formalin.

06-20-2004, 11:40 AM
well...i didnt see improvement with formalin, so by recommendation from someone else i used clout. it seems that all parasites are gone, all the fish breathe with both gills now, so that is the good news....bad news is that none of them will eat anymore, and most have clouded eyes...im just digging myself into a hole that i cant seem to get out of. any ideas how to fix these problems? ???

06-20-2004, 01:36 PM
Clean water is #1
Make sure you are keeping it clean and wiped down.

Along with flukes, if you had that at all, often times can lead to a secondary bacterial infection.

You could do methylene blue and salt. 2 drops per gallon of the blue and 4 TBSP salt per 10 gallon.

Jean 8) ;D

06-20-2004, 03:43 PM
For clouded-eyes, you really need to do a lot of WC, 2-3 times daily with 50% if possible, don't want you to have any loses, fix this clouded-eyes as early, or it could be permenately.

06-20-2004, 08:25 PM
ok, i am still putting in salt, i will do more water changes (alreadying doing 50%+ daily) and i will drop in some methyl blue. What about eating......one of them hasnt eating in over a week now...but none will touch food now.

06-20-2004, 11:34 PM
Well the formalyn does burn the fish some and they get a bit weirded out from it. Give them time. The methyl and salt sometimes you will have to treat for longer. I have had to for like two weeks for one fish to get it resolved.

Keep it clean too!

Jean ;D 8)

06-21-2004, 01:54 AM
Mike, I've had a similar problem. Have the gills on some of your discus swollen a little bit? I've tried the formalin/salt and it hasn't worked for me aside from temporary improvement. Now, I've gone with antibiotics and copper and now I'm starting to see improvements. Also, cut way, way down on the feedings until you get the problem resolved.

06-23-2004, 03:10 AM
What is Your Temp? Its allways best to heat them up after a shippment or a move. I would raise the temp to 90F very slow
and use blue + salt or copper + Acrflavin. ;)

Best wishes
Cary + Family

06-24-2004, 02:55 PM
ok, well i just got back from a trip, and all my remaining fish are doing alot better. they will eat some now, not flake food very well though (they used to love it) i did lose one fish in all of this.....but i think the rest will make it. their eyes look much better...thank you all for your help.