View Full Version : Big Fat Blue Turq!

06-21-2004, 04:24 PM
I dont know if I have a problem or not. Buddy got a Blue Turq and it belly is bloated really huge. Where he got it they told him its cause he chased all the others around and would eat most if not all the food. Well he gave up on the hobby soon as he started and gave it to me. I have medicated it and used epsom salt and his belly is still the same. He swims normal acts normal and goes to the bathroom normal. Could this discus just be that fat and if so what should I do to get him/her to lose the weight, or will it just get back to normal with my usual feeding times?

06-21-2004, 04:29 PM
how long has it been like this?


06-21-2004, 04:37 PM
Good question. I know that he had it for a week and I have had it for close to that. So for 2 weeks that we have had it its been like this. I went down to the lfs yesterday and was a bit upset that the Discus was like this, but they assured me that it is not a disease. They even told me that if it was and if it died, that they would pay me back 300% ...lol.

06-24-2004, 03:01 PM
Mine is like this too, it's because he's certainly eating, loves his food. Before your next feeding, see if you can tell if his tummy got any smaller. Mine gets a tiny bit smaller before feeding time, but I feed them 4 times a day. Maybe he just needs to do some fish crunches to loose that extra weight.