View Full Version : Discus Dilema

06-22-2004, 04:20 PM
Hi's and Smiles to all, Question my wild rsg male X F2 rsg female have been spawning every 2 weeks, raise the fry up to just about removing them from parent's size. I'd say there 1/2 cm. in size, maybe a bit smaller when what to my wonderful eyes should happen someone is starting to eat them. I really don't have a clue which parent is the culprit, cause i only know that's happening because everytime i look again there are more missing. I have some wrigglers now and they are watching them, who should i suspect is doing the dirty deed. To me since my wild male is wild he would probably protect them better, cause she's been sushi eating before. If so once they go to back when should i take her out. ??? ???

06-22-2004, 06:00 PM
Usually it is the female who will do the eating. The male is generally very protective of the spawn. If she has eaten previous spawns before, then go right ahead and remove her and let dad take care of the spawn. Hopefully, that will take care of it.


06-22-2004, 09:43 PM
You can remove her before the eggs hatch or at some later point.

06-22-2004, 09:52 PM
Sounds like they ate the first spawn because they spawned again. In the future, you can place a divider between the two so they will no spawn while taking care of the fry. Great to hear that you're successful with RSGs.


06-23-2004, 12:35 PM
Sorry Willie, they didn't spawn right away after eating the eggs. Actually it's been around 2 weeks since they last had breakfast. I don't think spawning had anything to do with eating there fry after raising them for close to 2 weeks, what i mean is they spawned, hatched the eggs, went to back and raised the fry for an additional week and acouple days before eating them. So really from beginning to eating them to spawning once more a month. Jim

06-24-2004, 08:54 PM

Let me know when you get some fry from those....Im going to want some....


06-24-2004, 11:05 PM
once you get the fry eating bbs ..you can remove them from the parents altgeather. try that. see how it goes. before they start to devour.

06-25-2004, 06:47 PM
Hi's and Smile's All ;D ;D ;D. UPDATE<UPDATE: Today was the day removed my F2 RSG Female from her brood and mate. He's doing fine so far tending to about 150 ant looking eating fry all around him, but knock I said knock hard on wood they'll make it and i can remove them once there on BBS. All the times before she I believe was eating them right after they were started on bbs. So I'm keeping all my toes and fingers XED. Thanks all for your responses......................Jim