View Full Version : feeding of earthworms

06-25-2004, 05:52 AM
I found chopped earthworms are a great food . Some people clean them before chopping them up , but I use them straight from the forest soil
( lumbricus terrestris and rubellus ) .
they do contain quite some soil matter. Any idea if this harms the discus or carries more risk? I would think it adds nutritional value since the earthworms are eating decomposing green matter ( and a lot of minerals ).
if necesary to clean, how do you clean them ?

thanks for any posts.

Larry Grenier
06-25-2004, 11:08 AM
What's the reason for storing in newspaper for a while? They purge?

06-28-2004, 05:47 AM
Indeed they purge when kept in wet neswpaper and don't really have any other feeds so they are less messy when cutting and less of the bowel content goes in the discus stomach. Don't really know if it is necesdsary though hence the poll.
( I know its a detail nobody will bother ) ;D