View Full Version : Yahoo's DiscusGroup

06-28-2004, 05:00 PM
I,ve been invited to join said group.At first I was all excited,you know,like I earned it or something.I can't help but notice,however,that all the communication/responces on their part has been of the "chain letter"type.Are they trying to sell me something? If you know, please let me in on it.Thanx, Kaceyo

06-28-2004, 05:06 PM
I have personally received many complaints about that groups marketing tactics ....IMO they are spamming discus hobbyists. I have asked that they stop doing so thru the board software..

That is about alls I can do. If anyone receives unwanted solicitations from them, you should talk to your ISP providers.. Spam laws are pretty strict now.


06-29-2004, 11:51 PM
this board is a discus group of sorts...alot of great friendships have come from here.
i had one similar before..also sent to me.

06-30-2004, 12:26 AM
The DiscusGroup from Yahoo is nothing like Simply.When I first got the invite I replied that I never joined such groups without some feedback and asked where they got my name.There was a link for me to connect to if I wanted to join.Even though I didn't link,they started sending me non-discus info about a movie,supposedly a review from a member,with a link incase I wanted to buy it.They never answered my Q's about their site either.For what its worth I'd stay away. Kaceyo

06-30-2004, 01:56 AM
Thanks for the heads up! I havn't been solicited yet but I will know what to do now. I keep getting emails from people in different parts of Africa with sob stories about haveing millions of dollars in US bank accounts that they can't get a hold of but of course with the help of an American like myself I can save the day! Ya right! I get one about every week! >:(

06-30-2004, 02:48 AM
I had enough and canceled my membership after two days.

06-30-2004, 09:05 AM
Theres no place like Home(SimplyDiscus) , theres no place like Home(simplydiscus), Theres no place like Home(SimplyDiscus)..Toto Look ...Its SimplyDiscus.com..we're Home Toto.. we're Home :)

sorry couldn't resist....And yes I admit it..I'm biased!!

-al :)

06-30-2004, 09:27 AM
Biased? Maybe,but with good reason!I too feel like I've found a home away from home.And WITH DISCUS!!! As a founder and builder of Simply you gotta be alot more than biased.(Do I know who to suckup to or what?) Kaceyo

06-30-2004, 09:29 AM
You have reason too be!!

07-01-2004, 01:53 AM
Just got one ot those "Sob Story I' am Rich from Africa and need your help" emails. Had to post it! >:(

Dear sir\madam.

Assalam o alikum, I am delighted to write this letter to you hoping that
you will understand my predicament and answer back without hesitation. I am
DR.(MRS.) MARIAM ABACHA wife of the late Nigerian Head of State GENERAL SANI
ABACHA. I got your contact through business inquires from the chamber or
commerce as I was making contact for a Honest foreigner who will help save my
life and my children, hence our country has been frustrating to us since the
death of my husband. I am in possession of $18,000.000 (EIGHTEEN MILLION U.S
DOLLARS) which Iwant to invest in your country.
For your clarification and understanding, this money is in a truck box
which was deposited with a finance and security company indisguise as a
family treasure since 5th of May, 1999. it is not an ill gotten wealth rather
it was WILLED to me by my late husband. On your acceptance to render this
assistance to me, I will instruct the finance company to effect the change of
ownership of this fund to your name as the bona-fide owner/my next of kin to
enable you retrieve the fund since the box can not be moved out of our country
by the family's name. It is very important that you forward to me your
private telephone and fax numbers/occupation,to enable me send all relevant
documents pertaining the deposit of this fund to you. Bear in mind that this
transaction demands absolute confidentiality because all properties,assets and
bank accounts both local and international
bearing the ABACHA’S family name, are been confiscated by the
Already elected civilian President of Nigeria so called(President Olusegun
Obasanjo) hence I will not want to be exposed. For your knowledge, 15% of this
fund $18,000.000 (EIGHTEEN MILLION U.S DOLLARS) will be given to you if you
assist me to secure this fund and another 5% has set aside for all the
expenses you might incur during the process of securing this fund. Example:
BILLS and any other miscellaneous expenses. And bear in mind that this is
the only remaining fund for the survival of my family.Thanks as I wait for
your immediate reply.
View this website

I. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/877113.stm
2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/2282366.stm
3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/1606565.stm
4. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/1576527.stm

Yours truly.

07-01-2004, 02:15 AM
WOW!!!Should you decide to accept this mission,Jim,your phone,fax and funds will self destruct.OR,send an e-mail back and say you voted for their current president and feel you must turn them in.Just kidding,these guys are strictly NO CONTACT. Kaceyo

07-01-2004, 03:04 AM
This is a "Patrick Madu" scam. There are dozens of aka's for this practice including Nigerian Bank Scam. Check out how much free time this guy had to play with them.

07-01-2004, 04:32 AM
DON'T email back!!

They will know that they have a live email address and will hope that if they bombard you with enough scams you will fall for one.

07-01-2004, 07:09 AM
Evil evil evil scamgroup.


Their spiders picked up my email from Simply shortly after I joined here, then the spam began.

Is there a way we can complain to Yahoo about these jerkies farming our email addies from here?


07-01-2004, 07:39 AM
scary stuff...............just be careful everyone
