View Full Version : Help Sick Fish

07-09-2004, 10:03 AM
I have a sick fish. It started yesterday. It would linger at a 90 degree angle, I tried epsom salt twice nothing, this morning it is even more at an angle and seems to be shaking. Once in a while it will swim normal and appears to have eaten some. it is not dark. I am attaching some bad pictures. Any help appreciated, it is one of the favorties. If you suggest medicine, should I put in hospital tank as I have 9 other healthy fish in this tank. 55g did a 50% WC yesterday. Will test water after I post this.

07-09-2004, 10:08 AM
2nd picture, sorry they are so dark. I hate this camera. BTW, I do not have another filter for the hospital tank could I treat it with just airstone, medicine and lots of WC. If I need to medicate.

Please help this fish. I love this one.

07-09-2004, 10:12 AM

Sometimes a fish will behave like that if its courting and spawning . That shaking is one of the signs for this. Usually a sick fish will not behave like this. How old is the fish?

07-09-2004, 10:31 AM
Hi Al,
I have had this fish for 7 months. I think Cary may have had it for another 2-3 months. Is it normal for a fish to behave like this all day. What should I do now. I am scared and excited at the same time. I have never had babies. The water tested fine. I have not seem this one pair up that I know of. I am going to WC and wipe down the tank and use salt for now. God I hope this fish is really fine. BTW it is the fish in my avatar. It is a beauty now.

07-09-2004, 01:37 PM
Hi karen,
I'm really not sure that there is much you can for this fish until it shows some other symptoms of a problem. I have had females do that exact behavior for days, it like posturing to attract a mate...then theres a twitching shakey shimmer they do while still at an angle. Often its in the close proximity to something to spawn on.

By no means does this mean that your fish is doing this, but the age is about right for it, and you said it looks fine, eats? and swims normal when its not doing this, its not dark, and not breathing hard?, not obviously bloated?...and theres no off colored feces? I would definetly not medicate at this time..theres no way to know what to treat.

What you may want to do is just watch it another day , if it continues, and you would feel better...move it to the hospitol tank and again watch it.

Wish i could advise you more.


07-09-2004, 02:27 PM
It has now moved under the plant in the picture. When I come by the tank it will come out and swim upright for a few minutes, while I cleaned the tank it swam with the others like normal, did not see it eat anything today, but did not watch all that close. Other fish in tank seem abnormally calm and quiet, like they are worried. My imagination I am sure. This fish could be breathing hard but seems to be using both gills just fine. Did not add anything new to the tank

07-09-2004, 04:09 PM
something new to add. Fish was with another fish they were side by side and a red/white was against the plant in the picture. Saw movement back of the body. I have no idea what act looks like, could this be in. Only lasted a second or two. The fish is now back under the plant.

07-09-2004, 06:52 PM
Another Update
The red-white and fish in question were both under the plant sideways. They have been like this for a long time. Then I noticed the sick (?) fish was sideways outside the plant looking in. I removed the plants to see what I can observe. This is really scaring me now. The sick fish(?) top fins are not erect. The red-white seems very very normal so do all the others.

07-09-2004, 07:21 PM
Hi Karen:
If you determine he is sick (which I think he is) I'm still not going to recommend medication. You have not added any new fish or plants, so this is not a parasite or virus. I'll just be advising water changes and let him be quiet in hopes his immune system will kick in . . .

07-09-2004, 08:23 PM
Without the plant, see much more movement in fish. The fish can definately swim normal. Seems to do the sideway lean when other fish are around or after I have stood in front of the tank for a few minutes...

07-09-2004, 10:31 PM
Last update for the night
Well things got a little worse for a while was totally on its side and no movement. Did a water change and noticed some improvement. I am in agreement with Carol this fish is sick. I was so hoping for babies that I was not being realistic. Here is a picture I took a few minutes ago. Once again it is dark, but the fish is more upright than it has been most of the day. Did not eat anything. Oh once in a while the swimming fins do not move for a few minutes..

The fish on the right is my new golden leopard. Sure wish the bars would go away and it would stop looking so much like a PB

07-09-2004, 10:54 PM
Hey Karen

Does the fish in question have any sort of a "pinched" look in the area shown below?? Or any type of depression in the area shown? When the fish does swim....does it struggle to stay upright? Does it sink quickly when the pectoral fins stop beating?

07-09-2004, 11:44 PM
Hi Tony
There is a shading there. I always wondered if it was pinched or not. It has been that way for a long time (months), I attribute it to coloring.

The fish seems to swim fine. It does kind of float downward when it starts to act up. The only time the swimming fin is not moving is when it is rested in the corner.

Hope that helps. I want to save this fish.

07-09-2004, 11:46 PM
Just took another peak It is swimming fine right now. Seems more normal. Oh I hope this turns out to be a good night.

07-10-2004, 07:13 AM
The behaviour in your tank of that fish and now the red/white doesn't sound right. How are it and the red white today?


07-10-2004, 07:49 AM
The lights do not come on for another hour and a half. I put a side light on and the fish made it through the night. All seem to be swimming normal or just hovering upright. I will give another update when I can see more

Al, other than that hour or so of resting under the plant, the red-white has been very normal. It is only the golden-melon that is sick as far as I can tell. I think I wanted it to be the pair. ::)

07-10-2004, 08:53 AM
Ligths still not on but more light in room. Fish is at an 80 degree angle and has heaving like movement. Afraid this does not look good guys

07-10-2004, 09:41 AM
Hi Karen,
I think you should move that fish to a hospitol tank and see how it does. At least then you will be able to tell if theres any off colored feces.

To ease any stress on the fish...fill the tank with water from the 55G ... once in there add salt at 1 tablespoon/10 gal .

Sometimes things like this happen Karen, and you can never tell whats going on., its always the fav. or best in the group.


07-10-2004, 10:26 AM

I am leaving for school now. Be home about noon. I do not have a filter on that tank, Will that still be ok with WC's? Fish not looking good at all.

07-10-2004, 03:11 PM
That will be OK with water changes. You don't want any trace of ammonia . . .

IF you have an extra filter you could cut one of your aqua Clear sponges in half for the hospital tank . . .

Hope he's better :-\

07-10-2004, 04:39 PM
Hi All,
Definately going down hill. I can see the stomach real clear now since it was completely on its side. The stomach is pinched. Unless this has a cure I am sending this one to the rose bushs in the morning. The other fish are interested in this sick one so I put the plants back to distract them and get them back to normal

If anyone knows what this is. Are my other fish in danger. I have two tanks and stopped using different equipment long ago.

07-10-2004, 08:21 PM
Fish has not been upright all day. I am putting it to rest in the next few minutes. Thanks for the help and concern.

PLEASE, do not post, what I should have done now. I am having a hard time losing this one.


07-10-2004, 08:42 PM
Karen maybe Carol can advise you.


07-10-2004, 10:18 PM
I can see the stomach real clear now since it was completely on its side. The stomach is pinched.

Hey Karen

If its what I think it is....its a swim bladder infection....There isnt a whole lot you can do IMO. A swim bladder infection 'typically' doesnt respond well to Antibiotics.

really just a guess though....wish I could help more.


07-11-2004, 08:04 AM
I am sorry for you Karen. :'(
