View Full Version : What would be the reason to finding ....

07-10-2004, 12:27 AM
What are some of the reasons why fry babies of under 1 week old be found dead in a community tank?


07-10-2004, 01:30 AM
My guess bacterial.


07-10-2004, 04:15 AM
Thanks Dan. I would guess that too but I wonder if the weekly cleaning of the glass and water changes need to up some. I found the lil' wrigglers on the bottom of the tank. I didn't even know my discus (???) had spawn again. The babies were about pen-tip size and had nice viewable tail fins.

I am a queen at using water diluted bleach solution in cleaning the tank walls and floor (I also use the 100% natural Tea Tree Oil when I feel the bleach/water solution is enough). It seems like whenever I do these weekly water changes, some discus in my tank go into mating.

For the last few weeks the "Wild Curiperas" has been in a different part of the tank (hanging out with the Tangerines). Uhm... Got me thinking hard now since I did see one of the WC swimming quite comfortably with a Tangerine and with a Wild Peruvian Green. 8)

*.* ANGI, La Bleachadora *.*

07-10-2004, 07:24 AM

I am a queen at using water diluted bleach solution in cleaning the tank walls and floor (I also use the 100% natural Tea Tree Oil when I feel the bleach/water solution is enough). We have to talk!!!! I have some serious concerns for your discus and others discus that might read things like this....PLEASE drop me an Im or email, or call... I know you care about your fish alot and I want to help.


07-10-2004, 07:57 AM
Hi Angie, maybe the fry failed to attach to the parents.

07-10-2004, 08:58 AM
I am a queen at using water diluted bleach solution in cleaning the tank walls and floor (I also use the 100% natural Tea Tree Oil when I feel the bleach/water solution is enough).

Angie, We have to talk!!!! I have some serious concerns for your discus and others discus that might read things like this....PLEASE drop me an Im or email, or call... I know you care about your fish alot and I want to help.


Heya Al:

I can send you a PM but what's the alarms for?

I have all my fishies doing great. Everyone of them. Better finnage and lateral alignment too. I've been working at keeping them very healthy, including those that I've received recently from Ken at Fishfarm.

I'm just curious as to why I didn't notice the hatching of the frybabies on time. I think I may have inadvertently killed them since it was my finding during the cleaning of the tank. I think I may have siphoned alot of them out and even used a clean Viva towel to wipe down the tank. I'm starting to think more that it was just that. The body and eyes and tail fins were in tack and a strong hue was apparent. If it was bacterial surely the others in the tank would show (illness).

I think it's time to get another 75-g. :D


07-10-2004, 09:43 AM
I am a queen at using water diluted bleach solution in cleaning the tank walls and floor (I also use the 100% natural Tea Tree Oil when I feel the bleach/water solution is enough). It seems like whenever I do these weekly water changes, some discus in my tank go into mating.

*.* ANGI, La Bleachadora *.*

Using diluted bleach to help clean equipment is fine as long as it's thoroughly rinsed off, but putting some any where near the inside of your tank is a big no no.


07-10-2004, 09:56 AM
At the very least Bleach should never be used in an occupied tank , and the reliance on tea tree oil as a cure all isn't accurate. These kinds of posts/beliefs can actually harm your fish which is your perogative, but novices reading them may actually harm their fish. Thats something I am really concerned about.

To be honest, Theres should be no need to rely on anything other than water changes , good food, and wiping down your tanks with plain algae scrappers or paper towels. To need to do other than this indicates the tank is not as as healthy as you believe.

I think its just a good idea for you to look at your practices and evaluate why you are doing them and if you even NEED to do them. Additionally some practices that you do feel the need to do should be kept to yourself if they can harm others that may take them as a normal part of Discus Husbandry.

I want to help you understand this for your own good, but also for the well being of others here.


07-10-2004, 11:06 AM
Hi Angie,
Mild bacterial can kill frys and not affect the adults. What does not affects the adults can kill the frys. Keep it simple and try not to reinvent the wheel. Try not to use mild chlorine and see if you see any difference in your fish.JMHO


07-10-2004, 11:33 PM
Thanks folks. I appreciate all your replies. ;)

I'll be updating my pictures (profiles) very soon. I think you'd be very happy to see that my aggressive maintenance and care is commendable as much as is debated.

**Ang** :D