View Full Version : Pre mixed Metro Food

07-18-2004, 08:59 PM
I was wondering around Petsmart the other day being bored and looking at the medications and I noticed that they had a internal parasite cure that was a food. I looked at the ingridients and it said metrozandol. Anyone used or know anything about this product? Just curious it was made by jungle.

07-19-2004, 09:33 PM
I've heard of metro flake before, it seems like it is hard to find though. Its supposed to work quite well if you're treating some sort of protozan like hex but you have to feed enough of it I heard to make it worthwhile. Theres also dimetro flake available from Angels Plus which is the more soluable in water form of metro, its suggested to feed the dimetro flake only for one week along with raised temps, I imagine the same or close to the same would go for metro flake (if the dosage of it was the equivalant in the flake)as they'd both be internally digested & not mixing in with the water.
