View Full Version : Power outage- 24Hrs and Counting..

07-22-2004, 04:34 PM
Hi all,
Just to let everyone know, my power has been out for 24+ hours now. If you have been trying to get in touch, Sorry about that. I can't access my E-mail accounts through my work computer (where I am right now....) and my phone ain't ringing.

The fishies are starting to look stressed, I have a 2500 Watt Generator going which is just enough to run my house fridge, the reef tank and Air pumps on 2 tanks. I may wind up loosing about 25 discus because of this, I just can't run enough to keep things going on all tanks. I've been switching air pumps but duty calls and I have to go to work. I already had to get rid of 75+ Lbs of frozen Hikari and a bunch of thawed stuff, the generator is not strong enough to fire up my deep freeze. 90F Here in Chi-town and our utility company is estimating at least Midnight tonight before power is restored.

We had what's being called a "Micro Burst" come through yesterday afternoon that took down trees and power poles

Hoping for the best...


07-22-2004, 04:52 PM

So sorry to hear the bad news...crossing my fingers and hoping the best for you!!! :(


07-22-2004, 04:53 PM
Sorry to hear this Bro.! :'( Take all your discus, put them in one tank with as many sponges as you can,
No food.. and pick up some ammo-lock and hydrogen peroxide... This may buy you a day or two.

Good luck,

07-22-2004, 05:03 PM
Ack I'm sorry Randal,
I hope none die, and the power comes back on soon. Good luck


07-22-2004, 05:12 PM

If you need storage space for your frozen stuff, I can let you use my freezer for a week (probably enough to store 50 some lbs of those slabs).

Let me know if you need it!


07-22-2004, 06:20 PM
Wouldn't H2O2 add some oxygen to the water?

07-22-2004, 08:00 PM

Sorry to hear:( Best of luck to you.


07-22-2004, 08:04 PM
Thats too bad Randal, hope your losses aren't too great. i know how this feels as i lost power early this year for 40 hours due to a wind storm. Some extra water changes may help buy some time and perhaps a cpl of battery airpumps from a fishing store. Good luck.

One other thought, if you have oxy cylinders you could conect it to your airline if you run a manifold type system for the air operated filters. Doesn't matter if it's plain air or oxy running through the lines moving the water.

07-23-2004, 06:35 AM
Man, sorry to hear that Randal! Sure hope you suffer no losses. :(

07-23-2004, 08:27 AM
Hang in there Randall


07-23-2004, 01:32 PM
Sorry to hear of your situation, Hopefully the power returns soon!


07-23-2004, 03:24 PM
This is something we all have to fear, especially with storms here in the midwest. I need a generator in case this happens to me. I hope the best for you!

07-23-2004, 05:08 PM
I'm sending positive thoughts Randal. Sorry I can't do more. Remember, these fishies are tough. I'm betting they surprise you and come through fine.


07-24-2004, 01:21 AM

Came back on about 5:00PM tonight. 48 hours off!

Most of the discus seem to be OK, a tank of little ones are all dark and clamped, but I've got the heat going back up to 90F and the Salt is in. I will be watching for secondary infections and Hex but hopefully all will be well.

I will be wading through the 75 Emails and IM's I got over the last couple of days. Please be patient, I'll get back to you all ASAP. If you tried or left a voice mail, call me back, the battery on the digital answering machine failed and I lost all the messages.

Thanks for all the well wishes, I lost a bunch of Frozen food, a Sally Lightfoot crab out of my daughter's Nemo tank but that was it. Fortunate indeed!

Thanks again All!

07-24-2004, 01:23 AM
Forgot to mention...

I'm picking up a 6250 Watt Generator that runs for 8 hours at full load on Monday.

Never Again...

07-24-2004, 01:49 AM
We had what's being called a "Micro Burst" come through yesterday afternoon that took down trees and power poles

Hoping for the best...


Hi, Randal:

Glad to know you're up and continuing!! Those fishies are indeed strong. Hang tight. By the way, what do you mean when you say "micro burst"? :D

07-24-2004, 04:57 AM
Forgot to mention...

I'm picking up a 6250 Watt Generator that runs for 8 hours at full load on Monday.

Never Again...

That looks more like it, glad things didnt get too nasty :(

07-24-2004, 10:01 AM

Sorry to hear the bad news but glad it wasn't worse than it could have been. I had a partial outage a few months ago when one "pole" burnt out - half the house stayed live and I got home in time to run extensions to the tanks. Vowed never again as well so I bougth an APS, automatic power supply and hooked it up to a huge trawling battery (deep cycle).

Thought about a generator, but unless you're home they don't really help, at least, I wasn't able to find one under a few thousand that would auto switch. There are some that hook to your natural gas connection and auto switch but they run in the several thousands.

Got the battery switching unit from Jehmco, but after I received it and got the brand I found the same one on the web for anywhere from 50 to 90 bucks cheaper. Since I got a gel cell battery, that was the main cost ( bought it from a boat supply shop) but now if the power goes down my tanks stay good for 24 hours without having to worry about recharging the battery. I can add batteries endlessly to extend the time and am looking to add at least one more soon.

Course, this wouldn't have helped your frozen stuff like the generator would.

If it ever happens again and you need to park your frozen somewhere I"m only about 45 minutes away and have a huge freezer in the basement that I don't use - if needed I could empty it of my tools :) and plug it in and it would be ready by the time you got here so let me know.

Sorry about your daughters crab, she must be heartbroken, cute little fella too.

hang in there

07-24-2004, 08:23 PM
Glad it turned out OK Randal. And hey...becaues of this you've found that you have a good bud in Cosmo if you ever have another crisis. See...being a good guy has it's own rewards :)
