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View Full Version : question about jungle braand hole in the head?

08-11-2004, 03:30 PM
Hi everyone,
I have a question about the jungle brand hole in the head? Just how much metro is in it?? And would I treat with that the same as I would for using regular metro? I have moved my wild female into hospital tank yesterday. I saw a mark that looked like a hole,right in between her eyes.
I added salt at 1 tbsp per gallon and raised the temp to 93. Added jungle hole in the head as directed. It says dose every other day for 3 treatments.Is this right?
Thanks Debbie
ps: tank is bare bottom 10 gall. with sponge filter and hang on back filter with a sponge in it and an airstone.

08-11-2004, 04:42 PM
What are the ingredients?

Barb Newell
08-11-2004, 07:32 PM
Hi Giniel, try phoning them 1-800-357-7104. I emailed them but haven't heard back yet.


08-12-2004, 02:13 AM
Hi Carol and Barb,
Says it has sodiium chloride,metronidazole,acriflavine.Just doesn't say how much is in it.I tried to call them but no answer:(Directions are: use 1 teaspoon (5g)to five us gallons (20L) every other day up to three treatments with a 25% water change between each treatment.I really wish they would add how much of what med is in it..
Thanks Debbie

Barb Newell
08-12-2004, 10:23 AM
Hi Giniel, I heard back from Jungle, quote below.

Can you get hold of some pure metro, Seachem makes it, Hex-A-Mit?

She wrote;
If the ingredients %'s are not listed on the package or bottle they are
considered proprietary information, to which we do not have access.
However, I am attaching a Material Safety Data Sheet for information on
the product.


08-12-2004, 11:50 AM
Hi Barb,
No I can't get ahold of those as of yet due to work keeping me in town and our poor little fish store here only has the hole in the head med.. Hateful ol thing doesn't want to have to order anything. I'll probably have to order it and have it shipped.
Thank you Debbie

08-13-2004, 03:21 AM
I used this stuff when I first started. It seemed to work okay, but other meds were easier to get as my lfs didn't carry it so I never tried it again.