View Full Version : Help me find Dicomed!

08-17-2004, 06:24 PM
Anybody know how to find Discomed ?
It seems the medication disapeared from the market.
The actif ingredient is Levamisol

Maybe a similar product exists on the market ?

thanks everyone,

08-17-2004, 07:19 PM
If your Pet Store is out of DiscoMed then unless you find in another one you won't be seeing it around any time this year. AquaTronics who is the manufacture of the product closed it's doors in California and is moving to Nevada. They plan to reopen at the end of this year and all the Pet shops were made aware of the move and to order their products to cover there needs. Yours didn't or it sold it all not anticipating the rush of everyone getting it. If you are looking for Levamisol I carry it but there are a lot of other medications around that will help you clear out the worms in your fish.

08-17-2004, 07:48 PM
Thanks a lot for your answer.
My Discus is a Wild RSG.
I got it sick with gill flukes and quite thin.
I get rid of gill flukes and clean him with metro.
Now he looks much better, but he still doesn't eat very much.
Just tiny bits of food.
I think he's got some internal worms to get rid of.
I wanted to try Discomed on it.
Maybe an other product will be find ?

thanks everyone,