View Full Version : PH Problem

08-24-2004, 08:30 AM
Hi all,

First a little history:

I have be visiting this board since late last year when I decided to start keeping discus and have found it to be a great source of information.

I have well water with a KH=4 and GH=5, PH out of the tap is 6.4 to 6.8 after 24hours this goes up to 7.8 to 8.2.

For the last 8 months of have been using a phosphate buffer to matain a PH of 6.8 this has worked very well....

Now my problem:

I have just acquired a 135gal (72x18x24) tank and would like to set it up as a planted tank.

Since I wont be able to use phospate buffers, I've been useing Seachem Acid buffer. When I add the recomended dosage and test PH an hour later the reading is 6.5, 24 hours later its back to 7.8 I've repeated this 3 days in a row with the same results. KH is still around 4.

Thankyou for any help you can provide...


08-24-2004, 10:47 AM
Hi Dave,
Welcome to Simplydiscus!
First question I have is why do you want to lower ph?

08-24-2004, 11:39 AM
Don't adjust your pH. You water is fine for domestic discus. Just agitate your change water to stabilize the pH.

08-24-2004, 03:44 PM
There are two reasons why I currently adjust my PH.

First, back in january when I started looking into discus I found people keep discus at a ph of 7.5 but no one above 8.0... Also LFS said the 8.0 wouldn't work for discus..

Second, storing water is a problem. So water that comes out of the tap @6.5 and I add phosphate buffer to has been very convenient.

I am going to see if can find a way of storing water. How should I go about adjusting my discus and other fish to the new PH ?

08-24-2004, 04:09 PM
I keep my Discus at 7.8 and I know about 30 People that keep them above 8.5...


08-24-2004, 04:11 PM
Hi Dave,

I too have a well. When I acquired my 1st discus, they came from a low ph tank, my well water comes out of the tap at 6.4, but after 24 hrs agitation..7.8- 8.0...needless to say I was busy buffering and forever messing with the water!!.......No fun for me and from what I have learned not great for the fish!

You will have to get a barrel or rubbermaid container to age your water, very important! What I did to acclimate the fish to higher PH, was several small water changes throughout the day for about a week, then voila', fish were in ph of 7.8 and thriving, as I mentioned these were my 1st Discus, and I didn't know about runts etc...but even my runts have grown....and no more messin with the water!!! I followed Carols water aging barrel idea....works like a charm...HTH


08-24-2004, 04:43 PM
My discus are in 8.2ph tap water! ;D ;) The most important factor is stable conditions.

08-25-2004, 07:30 AM
Thank you all for the advise..

I will begin looking for some barrels..

08-26-2004, 04:23 AM
Hi Dave P

If your ph is too low you can add baking Soda will make ph goes up.
But be careful with baking soda can make fish PH SHOCK.

I high recommand you do is wiht baking soda with very small amount in your tank or aging tank to read PH before to do water change. It would be fine..

