View Full Version : Stupid me, opened the door for gill flukes!

08-24-2004, 08:49 PM
I was very, very, very foolish and didnt quarantine two blue diamonds from a local breeder ( I was told they were pretreated) . My existing 4 "Super Reds" (more like Pigeon blood as the are getting older) got all the cardinal signs of gill flukes..labored breaking, gill flaring (sometimes unilateral), rubbing up against tank objects.

The original 2 BD's are now in their own tank and after two treatments wit hquick cure at above dosage, they are doing much better

I tried a couple round of quick cure at 1 drop per gallon (40 G tanks) of the reds and not much response after 2 treatments. Still with all the symptoms... I have some straight 37% formalin on order, but is there anything I can do in the meantime?

thanks and talk about lessons learned !

Barb Newell
08-24-2004, 09:26 PM
Hi gillym, we all learn from our mistakes :) Can you give us more info on your tank, etc, w/c regime...

I'd clean the tank well, increase your water changes, add salt 2 tbsp/ 10 gals.

Have you checked for ammonia or nitrites? Maybe when you added the new fish, the bacteria couldn't handle the waste.


08-24-2004, 09:45 PM
Thanks Barb

It is a 40 G, now with four 3.5-4 inch juvies exhibiting the aformentioned symptoms. Filtration is one sponge filter, temp 86, surface covered with water sprite, duckweed and have pothos house plants with roots hanging in the tank. I've got two potted ozelot sword in the tank, which the dicu are rubbing on constantly
pH 7.2, water - GH 5, KH 2
I try and do 50% WC every other day.

I can do the salt as suggested tonight, and do another WC in the am. The last dose of quick cure was 7 hours ago

