View Full Version : 1 week old angel fry, help!!!

08-27-2004, 09:52 PM
Hi ,
I have some 1 week old angel fish fry that are eating pretty good and swimming, but I seem to be losing about 5 to 10 of them a day . When I find them after work ,theyare starting to get some white fuzzy stuff on them. I added quick cure and methyl blue at 1 drop to 2 gallons.Will this hurt them ??? They are in a 10 gallon bare bottom with sponge filter and air stone . Water changes 1 to 2 times a day, Feeding every 2 to 3 hours unless I'm at work. Feeding BBS and they try to eat what ever I put in for the parents. Temp is around 78 or 80 , ph is 7.0 I haven't checked amonia or nitrites yet.
Thanks in advance

08-28-2004, 02:19 AM
Hi again
I tested tank and everything is fine.I moved about half of them to another 10 gallon tank in hopes that it was the parents killing them and not me.
All I have to power the other tank is a hang on back filter which is slow (always has been).I think it's for a 5 gallon or maybe smaller .I put some really fine sponge over the intake and the babies seem to be doing ok with it. Please help with any advice as this is my first time with fry..
Thank you

Barb Newell
08-28-2004, 04:46 AM
Hi Debbie. Is there a cycled sponge in the new tank? If not, can you take a piece of the sponge from the parents tank and put it in the Aquaclear? I always lose a few angel fry also. Try to keep the bottom of the tank as clean as you can (if you can get near it). Cleanliness is important. Keep the sides and bottom wiped down with an sponge, do frequent large water changes. What are you feeding? Crush some flakes and tetrabits for them. I usually put the flakes or tetrabits in a plastic sandwich bag and pulvarize them with a hammer :smash:

Barb :)

08-28-2004, 01:00 PM
Hi Barb,
The filter is cycled. I feed them BBS and crushed flake food and crushed krill pellets. The ones I put in the other tank are fine and not a one dead. The ones I left in with parents half are dead.Could the parents be the culpret? I am goiing to move all of them to the other tank today.As far as putting a sponge filter in the other tank, I have no more air pumps and this tank is in another room,so it can't share a pump.
Thank you once again