View Full Version : Good Luck Florida

09-04-2004, 08:42 PM
Watching Frances on the news, the storm looks bigger than the whole state!!!! Hopefully, none of you are online, or even near your computers but somewhere far away and safe.. looks like it's gonna be a nasty 24 more hours or so..

All the best to all of you, your friends, family, dogs, cats, and of course... your Discus


09-04-2004, 09:18 PM
It is the size of Texas. It is moving like a snail right now, only 5 mph. We were supposed to feel a lot more right now, but it has slowed down a lot, so we wont feel anything much till late morning tomorrow. I have all of my fish ready to go on backup power (just my central air pump, no heaters). We have boarded up a few windows that we feel will sustain the most wind/possible damage. It's just a waiting game now.......


09-04-2004, 11:26 PM
There isn't even a wind blowing here in Ocala. The waiting game is nerve wracking.


09-04-2004, 11:57 PM
Just watched the weather.....the storm looks huge and is moving very slowly....

We have many friends that have evacuated their areas....its very hard to relate being in N.Y....doesn't happen here often

good luck to all of you J.T.

09-05-2004, 02:36 AM
It's 2am in Ocala. The wind just started. The rain started pelting down all of a sudden. I may have been wrong on this one...

09-05-2004, 05:29 PM
Ryan and Kelseygirl,

Been watching the storm on the TV all day.. moving like a snail and dropping... 20 inches of rain ??? Good news I guess it's been downgraded to a tropical storm, but that could change they say once it hits the water again... and Ivan right behind???

Best of luck down there, let us know how things turn out

09-05-2004, 05:57 PM
We made it through the worst of the hurricane and we had power the whole time (thank you God!). We still have some fairly strong winds and some steady rain, but nothing compared to what it was 4-5 hours ago. Not sure if we have any damage as I havent been outside yet to look. The eye of the hurricane passed about 30 miles South of me. Good news is, im out of school till atleast Tuesday!!!


09-08-2004, 10:35 PM
>It's 2am in Ocala. The wind just started. The rain started pelting down all of a sudden. I may have been wrong on this one...

Guess what? I was right when I wrote this...I was wrong about this one. 82 hours with no power and counting...Janice :o