View Full Version : Wild discus question...

09-09-2004, 08:36 PM

I have a established (8 month), planted, 75g community tank with 4 regular discus (not wild) on it. 5 weeks ago in my birthday my family gave me 2 new discus, one 2" blue (not wild) discus and one 3 1/2" wild.

After 3 weeks having them in my hospital tank and checked not signs of diseases, I put them in my 75g tank. I checked next day and one of my old discus was "attacking" the wild one, he was doing it the whole week, so I decided to take the wild one out. It's again in the hospital tank. The blue one looks healthy, he is eating a lot, no problems with the other fish.

What I can do ??? Is it possible have wild and not wild together ???

Also, the wild one is looking terrible, it's really dark and doesn't want to eat, can I use salt or something else ???

Thanks for your advice

09-10-2004, 10:33 AM
Hi seranko,
Yes , you should be able to keep them together I do, with no problems.
What are the sizes of the other fish ?
You can add salt at 1 TBS/10 gallon with no ill side effects. What is the temp of the hospital tank?
Barb or Carol will better answer you than I ,but these are some of the things they would ask.

09-10-2004, 11:32 AM
IS the wild eating? If not, he may need a course of metro with raised heat (in the hospital tank) to get him eating again. Once he's eating bring two of the smaller, unaggressive older fish into the hospital tank with him for a few days then move all into the 75 gallon. Don't try to move just him back to the 75by himself or he will most likely be singled out again.