View Full Version : water storage question

09-10-2004, 12:08 PM
Guys, I need advice. I am trying to setup a water storage in one of the bedroom's closets to service the 60g and maybe 30g tank. It will be 50-60g holding container.

Here is what I have setup in the basement for the 120g. I have a 60g container with powerhead for water agitation and an industrial pump for filling the tank.

For upstairs, I am debating on the setup. I guess there are pumps more geared towards aquarium keepers. I am looking at mag 250(250gph) or Quiet One 3000 from Pentair(780gph). I know I would use it to fill the tank. Could I also use it to drain it? What about agitation? Do I still need to get a powerhead to agitate the water or can I use the pump? I would be great is I could use the Phyton to fill and empty. Guys, and especially Carol as I've seen some of your elaborate setups, can you please give me some advice as to the setup?

Thank you


09-10-2004, 06:32 PM
Can you run one end of the python out a window or into the bathtub/shower? You can buy pythons with 50 feet (or more) of hose.

I use Walmart pond pumps (medium or large size) to both agitate the water and to pump into the tank. I'm not familiar with the pumps you mention. You can use a powerhead to agitate the water if you want to.

09-10-2004, 11:14 PM
Thanks Carol. Yes, I got the 50' python. I bought the Mag250 today. Will try it out and see how it works.


09-11-2004, 10:40 PM
So long as the Mag250 has sufficient "head" you should have no problem. I've tried a Quiet One 1200 for the same thing and it does ok until the water level in the storage tank drops.. seems to have the effect of increasing the head and the poor little thing has a tuff time - Are you putting the pump in the tank, or, bulkhead thru and inline? Why not use 2 pumps, one for draining and one for filling? The Q.O. 1200 works great with the python for draining since it's a half inch hookup on the pump - nothing to write home about as far as how much better it is than using gravity alone, but it helps.

I've been told that you can't beat an air pump and air stone for water agitation (even though I use a pump too - a QO 3000)

09-12-2004, 02:52 AM
Cosmo, I will be putting the pump in the holding tank. Hopefully it will be ok. For the 120g, I bought one of those utility pumps at Home Depot. The thing is a work horse. My bulkhead there is probably 12' and the pump performance is not affected.


09-12-2004, 10:55 PM

I was going to buy one of those when I had to move my RO setup out of the second floor bathroom and into the basement (form some strange reason my wife didn't like the way it looked in the shower stall... go figure).. Needed a head of about 30 ft and was thinking of one of the big ones untill John at Jehmco talked me into a little diaphram pump.. pushes the water up from the basement to the second floor with no problem.. uses a lot less electricity too..

Good luck with your project, let us know how it turns out

09-13-2004, 01:36 AM
You guys are crazy ;D In the shower? I shouldn't be laughing, I just setup my second holding tank in the main bath upstairs on advice of my wife. Was going to put in the closet of my computer room as that's where the 65g altum tank that I just setup is.

I just wish builders would build houses with aquarists in mind... :)

The setum seems to be working fine. I haven't done anything with it yet other than fill the aging 55g container. If only my two boys would stop touching my things...they're just too curious and like to play with timers and power bars... :)
