View Full Version : Compatible Pleco Search......

09-21-2004, 10:55 AM
I am planning a Discus aquarium in my new 300l, and I would like to know what Pleco's I could put in there with the Discus in the fullness of time.

Been looking at some of the pictures on "Planet Catfish" and there are some truly beautiful Pleco's available.

So ideally I would like perhaps 4 or 6 pleco's with a mild temperament, don't grow too big, blah blah blah...

In your experience, what would you recommend....?

I have seen the "Golden Nugget" and "Queen Arabesque" and a number of other very ornate Pleco's.

Would these be OK with the Discus..?

Should I stick with one variety of Pleco, or would I be able to keep two different types..?

Many thanks for any advice, Its all much appreciated..

09-21-2004, 02:46 PM
Hi Ikongoni,

Many pleco species get quite large, and are agressive not only to other species but to each other.

You don't mention what type of tank you are setting-up; bare bottom or planted? Plecos have varying requirements that make many species incompatible with Discus.

For example; Golden Nuggets can easily grow over a foot long, and will become territorial and go after Discus. Some plecos are more tolerant of fluxuations in the water, but many such as the Queen Arabebesque will go belly if nitrates start to rise.

One of the best species to keep with Discus are ancistrus, (busynose/bristlenose)...they do not get large, are fine in the warmer temperatures, and do an excellent job of cleaning algae in both bare bottom and planted tanks. In your size tank, two would be plenty.

It's also good to keep in mind the following. Plecos are nocturnal and require hiding places. In a BB tank you will often find them hiding behind or beneath a filter or sponge. Many require driftwood or prefer a sandy bottom, and good aeration is a must.



09-22-2004, 08:01 AM
Well Howie, Ill definately be going down the route of a planted show tank.

So rest assured that there will be sufficient cover provided for any catfish in the form of small caves, plants, driftwood etc....

My curiosity really relates to the "ornate" varieties of catfish that I have seen.
In truth I am a novice in this part of the World, as all aquariums that I have ever maintained have been entirely African.

This is why I wonder if there is such a thing as a smallish "ornate" catfish that I can safely house with the Discus...

Guide books can take me only so far, but I always find that the real quality advice comes from those people that can offer personal experience.

So thanks for your comments Howie. Much appreciated.