View Full Version : tail and fin rot

09-21-2004, 04:40 PM
One of my discus is hidding and today I saw that part of his tail is rot!!!

What can I do?? how did he became sick?? is it contageous??

I have my hospital tank bussy with the guy that has some balance problems and he is doing fine, but would like to keep him there for a couple of days more.

I wonder if I can send the sick fish to the hospital tank

09-21-2004, 05:12 PM
What is your wc routine? what is the temp? do you wipe the sides often?

Are there other fish in the tank? Gravel? Do you have a pic?

I would add non iodized salt first and see if that helps. up to 5 tblsp/10 gal. If it doesn't help or gets worse let us know.


09-21-2004, 05:21 PM
Thanks for your quick answer.

I have a 100 gallon tank with 8 discus, 2 rams, 2 loaches and a pleco.

I use R.O. water 80% and tap water 20%, no ammonia, no nitrites, no nitrates, I change the water twice or three times a week, they have just a very little gravel, less than an inch, and have potted plants.

This fish seems stressed, and stays in the corner, cannot send a pic since he is hidding. Today I added some aquarium salts and raise the temperature fom 88 to 90

09-21-2004, 07:10 PM
Hi again,
See if the salt helps.
How much water do you change at a time? (50% wc with stable ph is good)
Do the other fish chase this one?

If this gets worse then I would move it to a hospital tank to treat with furan 2 + salt. (use less med and maybe the other fish won't bother it, plus the others won't need the meds)
Furan 2, double the first dose, then use as directed. (2wks)

Salt at 5 tblsp/10 gallons.

09-21-2004, 07:28 PM
I change about 30% since water here in San Diego has chloramines and is really very hard ph 9, my ph is of 7.5 after one day.

09-21-2004, 08:52 PM
Hullo !
actually i myself had to fight for two months against fin rot when i first had it. but experience always makes a man work things in a better way, so i dont have much problem with fin rot now. what you actually should do is
1.wipe off the sides of the tank
2. keep your hands off the tank except for water changes
3. check if it's fin rot or ammonia burns
4. You can use as much as 1tbsp of salt per two gallon , if the situation is not improving
5. keep all the accessories of the tank very clean , bleach and wash them thoroghly

ok just tell me if the affected fish is eating?? are there any other signs of any sort of disease , if it's only tail rot it wont be a big deal , trust me