View Full Version : sick altum angel

09-27-2004, 04:30 AM
hello all...

i bought 4 small altum last week ....they were doing fine until yesterday... they stop eating and appear weak ... lost 2 yesterday and another one today. its strange that they were so healthy before then ...changed so suddenly ... :-X

so now im down to the last altum ... i noticed this one has long fine stringy poo ... i suspect it might be internal bacteria .... will metro do any good? i havent added any med yet .... only raised temp to 33c and added 1tbs salt / 5g

tried to feed some guppy fry ...but it doesnt show any interest in food ...


09-29-2004, 01:25 PM
Dreamer, post details on your tank, how long it's been running and how you acclimatized the fish.


09-29-2004, 01:53 PM
Metro may work , it has limited effect on a few internal bacterias...far better would be kanamycin sulfate or erythromycin. How large were these altums you bought and what did you feed them?


10-02-2004, 08:04 PM
they were housed in newly set standard 3' tank with eheim 2217 and large sponge filter from other tank. i put them straight into the tank minus the water from the shop. the body size probably about 4cm or about 8 with fins. i fed them frozen bloodworm, brineshrimp and colorbits.

could it be due to tap water ? as i normally use straight tap water + prime without aging with all my fish; discus, dwarf and catfish.

anyway, i lost all 4 within 9 days ... for now ..i will stay away from wildcaught altum until ....i can find tank bred ...


10-02-2004, 10:01 PM
You may be looking a very long while for tank bred altums.....

Dave C
10-02-2004, 11:53 PM
or not...


10-03-2004, 09:32 AM
i put them straight into the tank minus the water from the shop.

i normally use straight tap water + prime without aging with all my fish

If there was no acclimation then they got a nasty shock and this is why they are sick.
Tank bred will get sick too from this treatment...you gotta be gentle, take time to acclimate properly.....age your water....quit adding expensive junk to your water...etc etc etc...same as Discus