View Full Version : Anyone know any good discus articles?

10-04-2004, 09:50 AM
Hello all!

I'm trying to write a paper on keeping discus as a hobby, you know, general keeping, breeding and stuff. I'm still rather new at keeping discus, but i believe the best way to learn is try to "teach" others. Writing stuff down helps me to learn much faster, kinda like a journal almost, but more technical and methodical. So, i'm trying to put what i've learned on to paper and hopefully as i go along, add more knowledge to it. Who knows, maybe someone would be able to benefit down the line. This technique really benifitted myself and fellow hobbists when i was actively invoved in angelfish, and i know that it would be helpful with discus.

Besides all the great stuff that i have learned on this forum from everyone's excellent and vast experience, I want to try to back things up with scientific evidence (*sigh* once an engineer .... always an engineer).

So i was wondering if anyone knew any good articles (journal or otherwise), papers or writings on discus, or even personal experience. Basically something that i can reference in my paper. Physiological or rearing or anything at all would be great.

Thanks so much in advace :) :)


10-04-2004, 05:18 PM
Can you use internet citations? If yes, have you read through the articles in the website here? Click on the blue Simply Discus logo in the top left corner. Otherwise you can find book on discus or fish rearing in general at your library or for sale on ebay or amazon

10-04-2004, 07:54 PM

You should check in with Anonapersona.. she used to be an engineer as well and is working on some interesting theories / equations..

10-04-2004, 11:23 PM
Thanks for the advice.
Hmm... another engineer huh?
Maybe we can come up with an equation to predict discus breeding habits!


10-05-2004, 09:59 PM
You can read some very good articles written by Jim Quarles. I am sorry to say he has passed away but his stuff is still with us. Here is the link to his articles on his web site.

10-14-2004, 03:36 PM
Also see Discus Page Holland, they have a lot of articles.

My tank ratio number work is on hold, as I ponder how to treat different sized fish and investigate how to account for different filters.