View Full Version : Another BAD Meeting?

10-06-2004, 11:54 PM
My dad and I went to that first BAD meeting and it was pretty cool. Seemed everyone had lots of fun especially since there was a free raffle ;D . Just out of simple curiosity, will there be another one?


10-07-2004, 03:27 AM
Hey Doug,
Welcome to Simply...good to see that you have become a member :thumbsup:

As for another Bay Area Discus meeting, We do plan on having future get togethers but have yet to determine the next meeting. Please IM "Instant Message" me your email address, and I will keep you informed when and where the next meeting will be.
Also we will post information of future BAD meetings. here on Simply in the "Hobbyist/Discus Event Locator" section of the forum.

PS: We did have those in attendance at the first meeting sign in on a roster, and provide their email address so we can make notifications of future events and meetings.


10-07-2004, 11:35 AM
Hi Doug,

How's it going? Glad to see you here!!! Say "HI" to you dad!!


Mr. Limpet
10-07-2004, 12:41 PM
We will definetely have another meeting. I am thinking that it probably won't be until after the first of the year, but you never know if someone gets real motivated and sets one up earlier.
Does that sound about right Judi and Tad?
We will keep everyone posted. Paul.

10-07-2004, 12:51 PM

Sounds like a good plan to me. Holidays are almost upon us, and folks get real busy. After the first of the year is probably the best!


10-07-2004, 05:27 PM
I would love to see another meeting too. I've had a few people approach me at the Silicon Valley Aq Soc meetings to ask me when the next BAD meeting will be.

Let's target Feb/March sometime, after the holidays, after the sales, but before taxes!!

10-08-2004, 12:03 AM
The first BAD meeting was only the starter, there will be
more meetings in the future. Discus for Christmas, how's that sound, first of the year is good too.

Brigitte, tax don't mention that word.

Doug, maybe we can carpool to the meeting next time.
