View Full Version : Is this normal behavior?

Scott T.
10-10-2004, 09:34 PM
Hi all,
I am new to this forum and I am amazed at the amount of knowledge there is to be found here.
So I will throw a question at you experts out there.
I have six discus of different types one being a wild brown which happens to be the largest and the dominant fish in the tank. All of the other discus which are smaller are taking turns pecking like at (his or hers I am not sure of sex)the side of the fish. The Wild brown doesn't mind one bit but he gets real dark and he almost points hes head almost straight up. What is going on here?
Thats the weirdest thing I have ever seen...


Barb Newell
10-10-2004, 10:29 PM
Hi Scott. Welcome to the forum!

Any signs of illness? what is their poop like? itching? clamped gills? bloat?

I've seen some of my fish do that too. One blue diamond in particular, he's usually constipated.
Just to be safe, I'd do a large water change, add salt 2 tbsp/ 10 gals, keep an eye on the fish wanting to be pecked, watch for bloating. If he continues, or head/tail stands, add epsom salts, 1 - 2 tbsp/ 10 gals.

Barb :)

Scott T.
10-10-2004, 10:48 PM
Hi Barb
Thanks for the warm welcome. Well there is a sign of some white spots on the fins and I am going to add salt and increase the temp to 86. Poop is lite in color, not bloated and no clamped gills. He only points his head up when they peck very gently on his side and then it all stops and his colors lighten up and things are back to normal. It's just a temorary action which I find really strange. The brown is now over pecking on a rock which he and another discus have been doing for weeks now.


10-11-2004, 02:01 PM
hi welcome :wave:
i dont believe its an illness thing..more a social and dominance type thing.ive seen it before..quite a few times..almost like a submissive type attitude. i wouldnt worry at all. they go dark..they peck at them..then off they go again as normal. i figured with mine..it was when alot of mine were on the verge of becoming breeding age etc.

Scott T.
10-11-2004, 02:56 PM
Thank all of you for your replies.
April I believe you are right because thats exactly the way it happens as you described it. The large brown is the dominant fish in the tank and the largest as well. There are some small specs of white which do look like fine salt specs on the tail fins. I am going to add some salt and increase the water temp as Barb suggested.

Thankyou all for your help

10-11-2004, 03:14 PM
Hi Scott,

i've seen that too, but i would watch the fish being pecked.

sometimes it could be a stress response


10-11-2004, 09:12 PM
im not good with discus but they make a slime coat to feed there young right? maybe somethings wrong and hes making slime coat? what do parents do when they have babys feeding. something could be wrong with him. but i never had discus yet so ill let the pros judge that

10-11-2004, 10:35 PM
yes..it seems similar behaviour to young pecking at slime coat. and when ive seen it it was always the younger ones doing it to an older one also. maybe the brown wants to be a surrogate parent..or feeling maternal?
salt and heat wont hurt. let us know how it goes.