View Full Version : Iron Aquascaper: Rotala Indica Challenge

10-12-2004, 10:29 AM

This is just a reminder that Aquatic Plant Central is still hosting the Iron Aquascaper Contest- a contest that pits aquascapers against one another in order to prove their prowess and skill.

The Details

Contestants will design an aquascape around the focus plant. This year's focus plant is Rotala rotundifolia (indica). Information on this plant can be found here (http://www.aquariumgarden.com/index.php?doc_base=plant_info.php&plantid=bp028). The best use of the focus plant wins.

Plants that are not Rotala rotundifolia can also be used in the aquascape design. The maximum number of plant species that can be used in the aquascape is unlimited, but the plant must use Rotala rotundifolia.

Other requirements:

Tank size:
-US entries: a standard 10 gallon aquarium (20"x10"x12")
-non-US entries: as close to 51cmx25.5x30.5 as possible
Closing date: December 1, 2004. We will be announcing the results on January 11, 2005

-Use a digital camera with high resolution (alternatively, you can send a photo for scanning by APC)
-Provide 3-4 images with at least one from the front
-Do not modify the image except for adjustments to brightness, color correction, contrast, white balance and sharpness.
-Image should be a jpeg, tiff, or png
-Image should be sent to admin@aquaticplantcentral.com
Phil Edwards
Ricky Cain
Oliver Knott
Enrico Monteiro
Tan Zhiming
Bartek Lipczynski
-First place: Iron Aquascaper Trophy - chosen from judging panel
-People's Choice: Certificate - chosen by APC member votes
Judging guidlines:
1. Use of the focus plant
2. Overall impression
3. Composition/Technique
4. Originality
5. Aquarium condition
Each contestant will receive detailed feedback by the judges.

10-12-2004, 02:42 PM
hm, it would be tough to put any discus in a 10 gallon ;D