View Full Version : Farming Brine Shrimp

10-14-2004, 09:13 PM
Has anyone tried hatching and raising brine shrimp to adulthood? I've seen many posts regarding hatching brine to feed to fry, and seen several setups for doing this, but I don't think I've yet to read where anyone grows them for feeding to juveniles or adults..

I found a website that sells growing kits, eggs, salt, and food for doing so and was thinking about giving it a try..

curious if anyone could provide some insight on this before I embark on what may prove to be a boondoggle

any thoughts would be appreciated


10-16-2004, 10:27 AM
Wow Jim you can almost hear crickets chirping at this post. :-\

I'm sorry there hasn't been more of a response for you. I've hatched bbs many times but I've honestly never even considered growing them out to adulthood. As relatively cheap and easily accessible as frozen brine shrimp is, you may be expending more energy, resources, and time then you need to by trying to grow them yourself.

If you do decide to do this, be sure to let us know how it works out for you.


10-16-2004, 10:40 AM
Jim I grow mine out but not to adult stage every time because I feed them to my Angels and Discus before they reach that stage. Though not easy, newly hatched baby brine shrimp can be reared to adults in ± 3 weeks. I just want to pack in as many vitamiins as I can into my fry so feeding them BBS is on going each day. I also sell the 15oz cans of 90% hatch rate and provide the directions for doing this for $33.95. This price includes the directions for feeding them, Priorty Mail shipping with free delivery confirmation. If you or anyone else is interested in this my paypal address for payment is discusgeo2@netscape.net


10-16-2004, 11:52 AM
chirp.. chirp... chirp.. lol

Ryan, you could be right that it's more trouble than worth, but the live seem to be so much more attractive and get eaten up quicker..

George.. what do you feed your brine to grow them? This website sells artemia food, but I suspect it's something I could buy elsewhere as well for a little less..

Still not convinced I'm going to try it, at least not the grow out part... the bbs for sure when I finally get the breeders up and some fry to feed :)

Just a pain driving to the LFS for live brine and then they die within a few days before they're all eaten ???

Thanks guys


10-16-2004, 11:53 AM
PS.. George, sounds like a great price.. I'll be in touch once I get to that point..
tks again

10-19-2004, 03:44 PM
Just a pain driving to the LFS for live brine and then they die within a few days before they're all eaten ???

I keep mine in the fridge and they seem to live a long time! I can't tell you how long, but I've kept them long enough to forget about them and find them agian and they were still edible -- maybe 6 days or more?

I just pour the bag of water and shrimp into a plastic container with a bit of air space at the top and then seal it. Most slow and fall to the bottom but revive in tank water to swim around as they warm up.

10-20-2004, 11:12 PM
Hey Ann, long time no see :)

So... maybe mine weren't dead?? Figured if they were on the bottom they were ??? Most of the batches I've bought last about 5 to 6 days before settling down, that last batch only took about 3 though... you put a top on the container? I leave mine open so maybe that's part of it ??

Saw your posts to the toilet bowl man.. gotta think that's a sham of some sort ... or.. a really sick *******
