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View Full Version : Could my male discus actually a be a female

10-15-2004, 08:35 PM
When my male Spotted Snakeskin was young the rear of his Dorsal and Anal fins where nice and pointy. He was the fastest growing and the most dominate discus out of a bunch of six. He was the first to pair of with a smaller Fineline Snakeskin. I've always assumed that the Spotted Snakeskin was the male and the fineline the female but I'm not so sure now.
The rear of his fins are now rounding off and are no longer as pointy as before which is a female trait.
They just had a batch of eggs which I covered using galvanised chicken wire which I've found out to be a big NO NO because some galvanised steel is poisonous.
So now the eggs didn't make it because either the galvanised steel poisoned them or the male didn't fertilize the eggs or worst of all it could be because I have two females.
I'll just have to wait for the next batch I'll cover them again and see what happens.
Almost forgot the Fineline Snakeskin is still quite small only about 9-10cm but this batch of eggs was huge at least 250-300 eggs. Because of her size I was amazed at the number of eggs but now I'm thinking maybe the male laid them which would mean he's a she .

Thanks.. Oscar

10-15-2004, 08:45 PM
If the male isnt old enough, then he cant fertilize the eggs anyway. It is normal for a male to take several times of spawning before he gets it right. Just give them time. Plus, i doubt the galvanized chicken wire did much of anything to the eggs. I use galvanized hardware clothe and i have not seen any negative effects on my fish or the eggs.


10-18-2004, 12:14 AM
Thanks Ryan

I'm sure you're right. I'll give them a few more months and see what happens. I'll keep covering the eggs and hopefully I'll get a few wrigglers at least that way I'll know if I have a confirmed pair or not.
As for the galvanised steel I've been told there is some cheap galvanised wire on the market that people should stay away from if it's going to be used in the tank. Truth is I don't know much about it other than what I've been told so just to be on the safe side I've stopped using it.


10-18-2004, 12:48 AM
Sometimes female discus will develop the pointy "trailers" on their dorsal and anal fins as well. This is not always a male trait in discus as it is in some cichlid species. It is more common in males I suppose, but I have seen people post pictures of pairs where the female had trailers as well.

Female discus will often spawn together, but in your case it could be a male that's too young to be fertile. Let them practice and see what happens. Also try to observe their breeding tubes -- do either of them resemble males?


10-18-2004, 10:44 AM
I too use Galvanized chicken wire with no ill effect. Some female that was heavily hormoned will also produce male characteristics. Just give them time.