View Full Version : Problems with soft water

10-19-2004, 06:40 PM
Any time i start to use soft revers osmose water, my fish become dark, and they stop to eat.
I use always to age the water with adding extract of peat, the parameters of the water are not extreme.
This means:
Gh 5
Kh 1
Ph 7,2
ms 100 or 65
??? ??? ??? ???
Please Help

10-19-2004, 07:26 PM
Does the ph stay stable? Are you mixing the RO water with any other water or minerals?

Its a pretty low kh which stabalizes ph. Set some of the intended mix water in a bucket, check the ph, then after 24hrs with aeration check the ph again and see if it remains stable.


10-19-2004, 07:58 PM
I agree with Ardan, KH of 1 is pretty low, especially when you're using it with soft RO water. Are you measuring the Ph before you put it in the tank, or a day after? Soft low KH water is very unstable and lends itself to sudden and extreme ph crashes.. you might want to consider adding a ph buffer and even bringing the GH up some unless you're breeding.. I found that when I first started using RO and didn't have the GH and KH stabilized correctly I had constant ph crashes even with daily water changes... this also leads to continuous ph fluctuations which isn't good for the health of the fish..


10-20-2004, 08:53 AM
Does the ph stay stable? Are you mixing the RO water with any other water or minerals?

Its a pretty low kh which stabalizes ph. Set some of the intended mix water in a bucket, check the ph, then after 24hrs with aeration check the ph again and see if it remains stable.


Ciao Ardan,
I use to age the water with strong pump movement the Ph fluctuates up to 7,7 .
In the fish thank the Ph is 7,4, i don't see a big difference in the ph range, that could create the problem.

Thanks for yor patient

10-20-2004, 09:52 AM
Does your tap water contain chloramines? If so, are you using something to neutralize ammonia?

10-20-2004, 11:18 AM
Does your tap water contain chloramines? If so, are you using something to neutralize ammonia?

Yes jeep,
my tape water at the source contains cloramin. Are possible after i run the water trougt the "coal + 2micron prefilter + osmosis" i can have problems with the cloramin ???, considering the finaly water are 60ms.
