View Full Version : wild amazon stingray

10-21-2004, 04:20 PM
I wonder if anybody has any experience with stingrays in case of be sting?
Is it a big problem and hazard or it is just like to be sting by mosquito ?


10-21-2004, 04:23 PM
you can be bitten by stingrays? Not only do you know have to watch for the tail but now they bite. Damb whats next. Ive seen into their mouth and didnt see any teeth so probaly more like a Koi bite. All lips. lol

10-21-2004, 04:40 PM
you can be bitten by stingrays? Not only do you know have to watch for the tail but now they bite. Damb whats next. Ive seen into their mouth and didnt see any teeth so probaly more like a Koi bite. All lips. lol

OK, I expressed myself wrong.
It is not a bite it is a sting :-)
So I'm going to change that word but question is still open ;D

10-21-2004, 08:31 PM
Sting rays have a spine in the tail that if stepped on can pierce the skin. IT is really a passive defense system. My understanding is that it is similar to the sting of a bee but can be more painful as it is a bigger puncture. I would suggest that you ask DW who posts here. David Webber imports wild rays and is extremely knowledgable about them.

Ramon Anastacio
10-21-2004, 09:24 PM
Rays use their sting primarily as a defensive weapon but I am always very careful whenever I have my hands in my ray tank.

This is a good article about stingray envenomation from one of the freshwater ray sites.

11-10-2004, 09:45 PM
Ray stings are VERY painful...a good friend of mine has spent the last 3 months getting various surgeries on his forearm where he got hit.
The stinger itself is like a dagger and a steak knife . It has venom glands at its base. this venom and the accompanying bacteria can cause serious local tissue necrosis ( gangrene) ....wounds have a real problem healing....very nasty. The immediate envenomation (sp?) can also cause rapid drop in blood pressure. The intense local pain helps to keep you conscious tho....I am told it is a bit like being hit with a hammer and having a flame held on the spot at the same time.....and it doesn't go away!
Rays have excellent vision and co-ordination ( large brains!) & they can stab or slash as they choose with pinpoint accuracy and whip force.
As said tho...usually this is a passive thing, they would prefer to get out of the way if they can...don;t step on them or surprise them and you will be fine, tho I know one guy who got nailed by a dead ray
The traditional cure on the river is to urinate on the wound asap. This does work to an extent.The heat helps break down the proteins in the venom and urine also helps sterilize secondary infections. Of course the locals say it should be a virgin;s urine....but this is probably part of a joke about how there is good news and bad news...there is a cure....but......
If you get hit, don;t look for any virgins....put the wound under hot water and get to the hospital if it is at all serious ( you'll know! :) )

here is a link about a guy hit by a marine ray...similar results...



11-12-2004, 07:00 AM
:shocked: :shocked: :shocked:
Thanks for the info!

11-12-2004, 03:01 PM
I still want one!!! Unfortunately, California law prohibits it. :mad:
