View Full Version : Visit to Discus Hans and Purchase

10-24-2004, 10:52 AM
My husband and I went to Discus Hans' yesterday. This is the first time we met Hans. What a great guy. In just the little amount of time we spent with Hans we learned so much. He was so gracious and willing to answer the most elementary questions on Discus care. That alone is so important to a newbie in this hobby, as I am one.

His fishroom is amazing!!!!! What really struck me is how completely organized and automated he is. He has totally maximized the space he has available for his fishroom and supporting equipment. He stepped us through how all his plumbing and filtration works, giving my husband and I some really good ideas on how we might improve our hobby set up.

I knew when we went there I wanted to come home with a few new Discus. The hard part was picking them out! I only have one show Discus tank, so space dictated how many I could come home with. (Might have to stand up more tanks!!! ;D ) All of his fish were gorgeous, from the littlest ones to the full grown!

So when I finally decided what I wanted, Hans helped me pick them out - 2 Cobalt Blues and 1 Santarem. The pictures below were taken this morning after they settled in a bit. They are 10cm.

Hans is wonderful to deal with and we couldn't be happier with our newest additions! I'd give him a big 2 THUMBS UP!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:





10-24-2004, 11:07 AM
Hi Tori,
Welcome To SimplyDiscus!!! :)and Congratulations on your New Fish. Getting new fish is one of the best parts of the Hobby. That you could visit the seller was also a great thing. If these are your First Discus, be sure to ask any questions as they come up.

Good Luck with them!