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View Full Version : flourtie thickness

10-24-2004, 11:26 AM
hey folks.....i just added 60pounds of flourite (4 15pound bags) to my 75g and theres about an inch in the front with 1-2 - 2 inch in the back......think this will be good enough for larger background plants along with smalle ones in the front???it seems pretty good.......but wondered if it be a safer bet to add 2-3 more bags..... thanks in advanced-----AndyM

11-20-2004, 01:45 AM
I've found that although you only need an inch or so for asthetics, extra substrate makes planting much easier, especially if you get a plant with a big rootball. I have about 2.5 in front and 4 in back. Be sure to change water often and vaccum the substrate (skim it, don't disturb it much), otherwise waste will work it's way down and create anaerobic conditions.

11-21-2004, 02:43 AM
I agree with Kevin; you'll want around 3.5"-4" in the back if you want to have some plants with large root masses - like any of the sword plants. Some crypts (like balansae), nyphaea, crinum, and even rotala macrandra will put out a lot of roots.

I've never had any troubles gravel vacuuming deeper in uncovered areas.



11-21-2004, 01:39 PM
I don't believe that you need to add another 60 pounds of flourite though. It would be much cheaper to use regular gravel on top. This way you will also have more choice for color. I used 45 pounds of each in my 77 gallon and I am very happy with it.
