View Full Version : They are DANCING!!!

11-11-2004, 04:18 PM
I can't believe it but I have a S. Eruption that is shimmyin and shakin and peckin at a spot on the sponge of a Hydo 5. Yesterday she was favoring one of the two largest Maze in the tank, who was trying to get inbetween her and any other fish trying to get close (especiely the other lrg Maze). Today the Maze also started to shimmy a bit but not as much as her. I only call them HIM and HER cuz HE is very large and has a pointed tip starting to grow at the back end of his dorsal fin. She seemed a bit fickle at first but now is helping to chase the others away, but never chases HIM. I only got them at the end of June (4.5 months ago) as 3" to 3.5" juvies. Now he is aprox. 6" total and she 5" total. They are not succeeding at keeping the others at bay so I'm wondering if I should put up a divider. I know I'll need to let them practice a bit before moving them into their own tank but wondered if a divider would help them get enough solitude to start some serious practice runs. The whole tank seems on high allert. I just lowered the TDS of the aged WC water from aprox 220 to 175ish, but didn't expect such a radicle change in behavior. Any advice or thoughts will be greatly appreciated. It's just too cool to watch them.


11-11-2004, 04:33 PM
Hey KC... calm down a bit buddy ... lol you're likely to scare THEM! hahaha
Is fun to watch the courtship unfold though, love watching it myself :)

I'd let them play it thru and spawn before you go putting up a divider, not only will they succeed in isolating their spot when they're ready, but changing the evironment at this point could upset one or the other and put things on hold as they re-evalutate the space to make sure their spot is still the right spot.. ha ha

Since the whole tank is "on alert", they're already getting the message out anyway lol

Keep the water quality high... more frequent WC's and/or softening up the water some may drive them over the edge, then the next thing you know... gasp... SPAWNING :)

Good luck and enjoy.. keep us advised :)


11-11-2004, 04:35 PM
Congrats, Kacey!!! Keep us posted!!


11-11-2004, 07:12 PM
Hey Kacey,

That's great news! :) Sounds like the only thing you need to do is sit back, let them do their thing, and have that other tank ready to go for whenever you need it!

Good luck!


11-11-2004, 08:33 PM
Thanks guys,
I'll just sit back and enjoy for a while, keep lowering the TDS and see what happens.
Cos, whatdoymeannotexcitedwhome?
It's hard to stay cool about something I've been dreamin about for 29 years, but I'll try. I just didn't expect it so soon. Their still over there shakin away. Don't they get worn out?


11-11-2004, 09:27 PM
Now the other of the two biggest fish is getting next to her and shimmy dancing. I'm fairly sure that the first guy is her mate but is it possible that she hasn't picked a mate yet? Or that she can be woo'd away from her main man?


11-13-2004, 08:20 PM
Well, things have calmed down quite a bit. She is no longer "in heat", and he is more lax in keeping the other big guys away from her and isn't sticking right by her. They were nodding to each other earlier but not so much now. I'm not even sure they are a PAIR at this point. Do they sometimes change their minds half way through?
I'm anxiously watching them.

11-13-2004, 08:24 PM
You can't tell you have a pair until you have wigglers. I had a "Pair" that turned out to be 2 females, I then had a "pair" that was a female and "possible male" (no wigglers)

Best of luck to you, hope you have a pair! :)

11-13-2004, 09:22 PM
im gonna agree with ardan. even though i got a pair the male ate all the eggs and didnt fertilize them. then agian im not so sure they paired up.

11-15-2004, 05:41 PM
Well, they're back at it again. I'll take it with a grain of salt this time. Does lowering the TDS encourage pairing/spawning or just make viable eggs more likely? I would lower the temp of the aged water too but I use it for my other tank also.