View Full Version : Discus that keep's getting bloat.

11-11-2004, 05:58 PM
Hi guy's,

I have a three year old Male Red Snake Skin that I purchused in July, He keep's getting Bloated, I do 25% water change's daily. I feed Blood Worm's, Brine Srimp, Flake(in sm. amount's), and Tetra bit's (soaked in water) He seem's to bloat once every two week's or so.I treat the tank with epsom's salt at 1 tbls. per 10 gallon's. and in a few hour's he is back to normal. He is in a 90 gallon bare bottom tank with 7 other discus aged 6 month's to 3 year's, none of the other discus get bloated and I am at a loss, could there be another problem that I am missing? Will the continual use of epsom's salt hurt the other fish?

Thank you for your time,

11-12-2004, 12:23 AM
The epsom salt will not hurt the other fish. Maybe he needs to be divided in the tank and fed bw and bs for about a month (no flakes or bits) she if he improves . . .

11-12-2004, 02:01 AM

Thank you for sharing all of your information. I will divide him a.s.a.p.

Thank you for your time,