View Full Version : I've Got Eggs!

11-13-2004, 12:40 PM
Hey Guys...Well last night my Discus were doing their little shimmy dance and I got up around 3am for a drink...All 3 of my discus were in the corner and looking very serious. Scared the heck outta me and then when I turned on the light i noticed that the heater had eggs on it. My tank is a 60 gallon however I do not currently have a seperate tank. The Eggs are right next to the inlet pipe for my Penguin 280. What can I do to help these eggs and hopefully fry later not be sucked up into the Penguin? I can turn it off because I also have another penguin and fluval at the other end of the tank. Also should I turn off the heater? I have another Ebo Jager 150 on the other end of the tank that can handle keeping the temp sufficient. As you can tell these are my first eggs so i'm a little on the scared side! Any ideas?


11-14-2004, 12:31 PM
Hi Eric,

Congratulation on your pair...that's very exciting! The fact that you know you have a pair is a success in itself. I would leave the fish alone and let them do their thing...this will mostly be practice for them. Your current set-up with the Penguin is not ideal for fry.

In the meantime, I would plan I setting up a smaller (29 gallon) tank for the pair, with only a sponge filter, heater, and a spawning substrate (such as a clay flower pot or spawning cone.


11-14-2004, 05:46 PM
Howie is right - usually the first time or two or three is just practice as it takes the male a while to figure out how to fertilize the eggs. If you want to raise fry get the bare bottom 29 gallon and an airdriven sponge filter.